Gothamgirl ago

Thanks, well I have to get back to work my arms are about dead but I am not giving up for today yet, then i have to make dinner. You still have the same #?

theoldones ago

GG asked for it and got it

so there.

you wanna know why she asked? she denies being involved in his arrest incident

the bitch sent him to jail, drove him into drugs and insanity, and just like her friend flynnlives before that the law seemed to get involved. she's fucking manipulative, all her men seemed to get arrested at some point, and then she shows up in my general vicinity? FUCK THAT, let her be terrified about what i know on GG and zyklon, the farther away from me the better

zyklown_b ago

she snitched

Shizie ago

@theoldones looks like you were right. The fat bitch sold him out.

Gothamgirl ago

The man who who you think wanted to kill your kids and made you delete everything you ever said, lmao you really are a stupid lapdog bitch!

dfgsdfgsdfg ago

yeah i got ya, its all lies against you

the bitch sent him to jail, drove him into drugs and insanity,

someone drank the koolaid

Gothamgirl ago

You are retarded do you realize me and Flynnl1ve5 are still friends, and he wrote me from jail?

I didn't send zyklon to jail...

I couldn't give a shit about you at all, you asked a question about mapping so I tried to help you.

You keep making posts about me, get over yourself.

theoldones ago

I didn't send zyklon to jail...

bullshit, explain both zyklons arrest, and flynnlives getting swatted and arrested.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove his arrest right now! I have checked the jail everytime one of you losers said this, nothing on clerks site either.

I have a call into the states attorney who will not be in till tomorrow. I will drive there Wed if I don't hear back.

Give me his lawyers number or STFU..

You have no idea what I have been through in my past whatsoever with anyone. You don't even know me, and your judgement is shit..

I didn't press charges against zyklon nor do I want him to go to jail. The only reason I meet with police is because his mother gave them all my information, and told me if I didn't want to get in trouble for giving him a ride away from the crime he committed in the store, and didnt want to be arrested too, over what happened between HIM and the CLERKS in the store, then I needed to be in contact with police immediately, because they were looking for me and my car, and since she was on the scene with police I believed her. At no time did I ever indicate to anyone that I wanted him arrested, but when asked what happened, I did feel obligated to tell the truth. We argued about him drinking and driving, he grabbed me by my chain . I absolutely would not send anyone to jail for that.

Now get me that info or don't you dare bother me again, with any of your immature teenybopper garbage.

Shizie ago

Hahahahaha! This is all too funny!

Stupid bitch!

Gothamgirl ago

No as stupid as you stalker, you contribute nothing on this site you just linger with negativity, going through what I post everyday. No life lapdog 😂🤣

theoldones ago

here's the incident record of the zyklon police tussle, preserved as a web archive then wrapped into a ZIP file.


Gothamgirl ago

My phone won't let me open it.

friendshipistragic ago


gabara ago

@Gothamgirl is a succubus

Gothamgirl ago

Well that means nothing coming from a tranny...

theoldones ago


gabara ago

It's faster to jump over her than walk around her.

THSenior ago

Sounds like op is a Jew building a golem. Happy Hanukkah.

Gothamgirl ago


Shizie ago

She’s so hard up for a man! It’s pretty sad. Stay safe from her!

WolfFangs ago

Srayzie who do you share this account with? Your daughter? roflmao...Srayzie you so damn obvious.

Shizie ago

Oh I’m Srayzie again? Yawn! Come up with something new faggot!

WolfFangs ago

Is this new enough? You ain't seen "new" yet. We have TONS of good pics and footage.

A whole group of us that know. We watch you show your ass, make the connections, and laugh at you. Hackers. You are the laughing stock of Voat. What would we do without you? Bwaaahahahah

And don't cry "I got doxed" because you doxed your own self, and some other people, dummy. Why you think your alts got benned biatch? Oh, the fun has just begun....Never get on a carnival ride that might make you throw up in the end. (tee hee)

Enjoy the ride mother fucker. Mother Fuckers throwing up from riding the Tilt A Whirl will be you before this is all over with. You fucked with the wrong people, at the wrong time, at the wrong place.

You don't want your brothers knowing that you are a whore? No problem. We can fix that too. I can make your brothers puke.

Or, you can shut the fuck up, never open your smart ass mouth again, stop threatening people, and MAYBE live a simple life. Its up to you, dummy. Because this shit could take years to play out otherwise.....Don't be a problem child.

Shizie ago

I haven’t been doxed. I won’t be doxed. I’m not srayzie you stupid retard! You and your faggot friends are so pathetic! Bunch a fucking losers who think you’re all real special on the internet while your real lives are empty, meaningless balls of fucking shit! Ahhhh shit! I laugh at the thought of what would happen to you little bitches if you would dare to say to my face even have the shit you say online! PUSSIES! All of you!

I’ll open my smart ass mouth again, and again, and again all I fucking want! I’m not scared of a bunch of fat fucking losers on line! You freaks can barely roll your asses down to the laundromat to wash your stank ass skid mark shorts, yet I’m supposed to be scared of you nothings? 😂😂

Your comments make you and your faggot fuck up pals look nervous. You have nothing left fucker! Now eat your dicks for dollars and fucking choke on the nigger ones!

ESOTERICshade ago

Your husband had to scoop you up off the floor with cum on your face. He was nice enough to pick you up and take you home and clean you up. You are nothing but a damn cum dumpster. Know your history. Its not pretty. Want some more stories about you? You have been a problem your entire life. I guarantee you that I am closer to your story than you would ever imagine. How do you think I know so much about you? Think about your extended family. I am one of those. We know all about you. We will stand up for Chico, but you can go to hell.

WolfFangs ago

Ham Planet is triggered. wew lads. Watch it waddle. Even when you weighed 46 pounds less you was not all that hot.

ESOTERICshade ago

Proved to everybody that srayzie can comment through the Shizie username with that last comment. You are too easy you fake fat ass bitch. Why you use all those old pics when you were less fat? Don't want people to know that you grew into a tub of lard? Waddle on down to the gym and get a membership. You need one.

Gothamgirl ago

No true at all pedo.

theoldones ago

you couldn't attract a monkey with a banana at this point.

Gothamgirl ago

Says who? I have have had no issues ever.

theoldones ago

you're having an issue right now so ahahahahahaha k bitch

Gothamgirl ago

You call me old yet it's actually part of your name, and you refer to yourself as more than 1. Who has problems? 😂🤣😂

theoldones ago

bitch, do you not read IE not know about lovecraft?

Gothamgirl ago

No but I have a feeling the zip file you just gave me probably gave my phone Aids.

theoldones ago

oh there you go again ignoring evidence again you psycho-woman.

Gothamgirl ago

You didn't provided files I can open, and their is nothing on the clerks site.

I am not into Love Craft and that doesn't mean I'm illiterate. I know about Cthulhu though, from LHOHQ.

theoldones ago

its a fucking saved website archive.

do the tech things to it

Gothamgirl ago

My phone won't allow it to open, so fuck it. I am not downloading anymore files to anymore of my devices. I will contact the prosecutor tomorrow morning and try to figure out what's going on.

Why are you so worried about zyklon all of a sudden? Thought you disliked him for what he did to your friend Srayzie?

theoldones ago


excuses excuses

go stalk someone else for dickhunting you crazy bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

Dickhunting? haha never had to do that ever in my entire life 😂🤣

theoldones ago

i know things about you because of the war on srayzie you directed. i want nothing to do with you. stay the fuck away from me or things start leaking.

Gothamgirl ago

There is nothing to leak but go for it anyways 🤣 no one cares about your threats!

By the way it is the store owners who have pressed charges on zyklon accotding to states attorney. I just have to write a letter saying I want no part in the case against him, which will be hand delivered tomorrow. Also the store clerks hit him first, so they may not even have a case. I still have the shirt he wore that day, which proves he was attacked.

and no problem, you aren't very likeable you act like a faggot alot. Goodbye homo.

theoldones ago

you just fucking keep it in mind that the longer i see you hanging around my posts and comments, the more likely it gets that your info starts appearing places it shouldnt

Gothamgirl ago

IDGAF 😂🤣 what you threaten, you aren't anyone special around here..

Someone needs to tie a block around your foot and toss you into a fast moving water, for threatening others like that.

Giving me a warning lol do you think you own this place? I am free to say what and to whomever I want, but you aren't worth it, so shoo fly be gone faggot.