xenoPsychologist ago

just have sloppy makeouts and get it over with!

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, enjoy fagging with Crensch. I ain’t going to show up!

xenoPsychologist ago

hey, i aint the one with the hateboner for him!

WhiteRonin ago

So, you are the type that approves of the TSA. It’s ok. I won’t hold it against you.

xenoPsychologist ago

no? i just thought it was funny, yo. maybe im just not as good at trollin as you are!

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, ok, my bad.

I’m just set up for mowing down Team Crensch and I’m hitting some innocents too it seems.

xenoPsychologist ago

i dont hate him. he used to be much more respectable (at least, in my opinion). im disappointed in what he has become, and i hope he comes back (not that others havent gone to shameful places too. both sides even have some seriously legitimate points, as far as im concerned. i just cant agree on everything with either side). as i understand it, most of us used to like him a lot, and with good reason. these are sad times.

that said, i mostly dont have anything against the other side, either (with the exception of actual shekelwhores who got in on the drama action). there are a lot of goats i like on both sides, and a lot of flak flying back and forth. i really do like most of the people i see around here a lot. i just wish we would all come to our senses, because theres bigger fish to fry. i dont think ive seen any jew infiltrators get gassed in a while, ya know?

i kinda hope poking some fun might help? im not so good at it, though. i just dont know whats going on anymore. maybe ive said too much, and maybe its not really safe to have honest opinions visible in the open, but it might just need to be said.