Poal migrants are traitors to SBBHkind (SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 5.5 years ago by heygeorge
Your children will have different eyes and hair than you
virge 5.5 years ago
Did Caveman_in_a_suit migrate to Poal?
If so, he's weaker than I thought.
WhiteRonin 5.4 years ago
Larp larp larp!
1000 rounds even in a day.
What a larp fag!
NotHereForPizza 5.5 years ago
Kek someone sounds buttmad
TheBuddha 5.5 years ago
Blood in, blood out.
You know what you have to do.
Nadeshda 5.5 years ago
Lol.... oh geez send me the pics or it didn’t happen... I have to see what you awn aboot?
SayTan 5.5 years ago
Forgot it even existed and can't recall why it even exists.
virge ago
Did Caveman_in_a_suit migrate to Poal?
If so, he's weaker than I thought.
WhiteRonin ago
Larp larp larp!
1000 rounds even in a day.
What a larp fag!
NotHereForPizza ago
Kek someone sounds buttmad
TheBuddha ago
Blood in, blood out.
You know what you have to do.
Nadeshda ago
Lol.... oh geez send me the pics or it didn’t happen... I have to see what you awn aboot?
SayTan ago
Forgot it even existed and can't recall why it even exists.