gabara ago

Fake pinging caveman after he shot you down?

zyklon_b ago

@caveman_in_a_suit lets resign right now if gabarA gonna do this?

gabara ago

Do what? I agreed with @caveman_in_a_suit's post and dropped it:

You're the one that keeps attacking.

zyklon_b ago

leave me alone u fucking incel retard.

@caveman_in_a_suit just tell him we out i guess. cant be nice to all

zyklon_b ago

@katharzso @neogoat @ilikeskittles @nadeshda we want SBBH with heygeorge as leader

KatHarzso ago

I support this. Maybe have a moderator behavior discussion mainly regarding how to treat fellow moderators or something.

zyklon_b ago

check line we out

gabara ago

He is the leader. What drugs are you on today?

Nadeshda ago


This, that’s what I thought, what the heck @zyklon_b you know we all act like a bunch of retards at times, why take offense to a post by gab in a shitposting sub? Really? I know it’s been a long couple of weeks for you guys, don’t you need a vacay honeymoon or something?

Too much drama...Getting upset about gabara spazzing out? Oh wow... just no!

News flash gabara spazzes out, it is what he does... what am I missing?

zyklon_b ago

He hurt somebody in real life my friemd. be all rigjteous n wuatevwr but he used u

Nadeshda ago

Clearly I missing a lot of information to this story. I don’t see everything and I do not know everybody's business so I don’t know what to say...

Geez it sounds serious, help me understand?

platos_allegory ago

Very real possibility he is being disengenuous.

Nadeshda ago

Plausible, contemplation inserted [here]...

This works for me, thx :)

zyklon_b ago

NO its not serious in the even littlest bit. i make shit posts trying to trigger ppl n when they get triggered i get attention so i laugh alot is all . that is simple version leaving out all the alcohol and polysubstance abuse in a

Nadeshda ago


@caveman_in_a_suit @heygeorge @gabara

Reeeeelax, no war, false flag alert!

zyklon_b ago

love u nadeshda and yes truce

Nadeshda ago

The tumble dryer broke, we need to hand dry our underwear now! Okay?


“How beautiful is it when brethren dwell in peace together...”

zyklon_b ago

christ lives

Nadeshda ago

Amen, let HIS Spirit flow through you both and may you both be blessed with wisdom, insight and self control.

Only love can cast out fear and only HE knows perfect love, know HIM and know love.

Without love we are but sounding cymbals that just makes noice.

May peace find you and keep you in HIS mighty name I pray!

zyklon_b ago

peace n respect

Nadeshda ago

Phew... don’t mess with autists though, we be all like whatever one minute and the next minute the smallest thing can knaw on our mind for days until resolved... I am only partially and like a button I can switch it off when I need to or maybe I don’t switch it, it switches me off?? Hmm maybe I just don’t notice it... egh... what are we talking about? How’s the weather?

zyklon_b ago

hawt but am wealthy

we need a united front for Christ n righteousness

Nadeshda ago

I’m hawt but poor and happy though so good! Lolol...

Yes we must stand for something or fall for anything, this part is true! :p

zyklon_b ago

we have "us" n u know the original "us" i say.... love u

gabara ago

The missing information exists only in his mind

Nadeshda ago

I don’t know gab, a lot of missinfo flowing at times and people are defo out to get them after the GA shrazza-mah-tack... maybe someone said something, maybe they have a Down syndrome child and your post hit a nerve, I don’t know, maybe @heygeorge knows?

Hmmm, and what the hell did you use me for gab? Last time I checked my life was so darn busy I hardly get time to do anything on here that is super productive... I don’t know man... weird, resurrecting zombies, cockadoodle dooh doohs, def-defying-daya-doctoring, suzie q and the banchees, rock and roll water payments, hurdling hoodlums, quarantined-quacky-dumps, clown-escapading... what did I miss.

Clearly a lot, yes... I have truly missed what the hell this is ALL about so what now?


zyklon_b ago

@puttsmum @heygeorge PLEASE handle this shit

pm @caveman_in_a_suit and just let us now whats up.

the BTA still SBBH but yall gotta fix this