why does @gabara hate @trigglypuff ??? i n @expertshitposter love her!!! weak ass bitch (SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 5.7 years ago by zyklon_b
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gabara 5.7 years ago
Why are you two so butt hurt over this one post: https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3301323
Rent free.
zyklon_b 5.7 years ago
u aint rent free @trigglypuff will explain why you aint a leadership material and so will caveman n @puttsmum
if u aint gonna be a good mod just fuckiin give it up to somebody aint so retarded socially they know how to act
i like u as a person just too retarded(autististic) to run sbbh. @heygeorge @puttsmum
Why to you keep fake pinging @caveman_in_a_suit? You need to cut back on the drugs
he hates u too and is a member of the new gang
Read it when you come out of your psychosis
HIVchan 5.7 years ago
Don't take it personally, everyone hates you..... except for use HIVs, we appreciate your help. Keep having butt sex!
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gabara ago
Why are you two so butt hurt over this one post: https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3301323
Rent free.
zyklon_b ago
u aint rent free @trigglypuff will explain why you aint a leadership material and so will caveman n @puttsmum
if u aint gonna be a good mod just fuckiin give it up to somebody aint so retarded socially they know how to act
i like u as a person just too retarded(autististic) to run sbbh. @heygeorge @puttsmum
gabara ago
Why to you keep fake pinging @caveman_in_a_suit? You need to cut back on the drugs
zyklon_b ago
he hates u too and is a member of the new gang
gabara ago
Read it when you come out of your psychosis
HIVchan ago
Don't take it personally, everyone hates you..... except for use HIVs, we appreciate your help. Keep having butt sex!