gabara ago


gabara ago

The ones BTA have been going full retard over are were not modded to GA. Checkmate.

gabara ago

@WhiteRonin is correct, but it's for a post on fucking SBBH. Someone posted that to v/aww it would be an appropriate comment.

WhiteRonin ago

No, I just don’t want to give Gabby a nervous breakdown and I’m respecting CaveMan.

Gabby can’t handle the shit I’ve given to Virge and Srayzie. I will also end up fucking up SBBH.

Gabby started shit with me today. I’ve not bothered him since the day I fucked with him. He’s paranoid I’m an alt fucking with him. Why? He’s an autistic ass. Why fuck with the retard again?

gabara ago

You realize Srayzie most likely left a couple weeks ago and the new accounts are just @TrigglyPuff or someone else (trig lives to do that shit after all). I warned some of you about staring into the abyss. When you become obsessed with the enemy you become the enemy. You laugh at the Q anons when it's clear to everyone else that the original Q stopped posting a long time ago. Well it's happened to you. I haven't seen anyone on Voat since Srayzie deleted that remembers what I told the real Srayzie. @cresnch is right, she left. You are all having a unwitting circle jerk and one of you is having a good laugh. Just the the Q anons...

Gothamgirl ago

That's lies.

ESOTERICshade ago

the original Q stopped posting a long time ago.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Only pick one Cupid Doll because I only have two in stock right now. Once you take it, its yours forever, choose wisely. I have a rich buyer in Saudia Arabia that wants one but i'm gonna let you have first pick, you know, just because....bro...



Now that I have your attention I have this nifty item on sale for a low price of $111.11

WhiteRonin ago

Triggly ain’t talking like Srayzie. Get your shot together bro.

You are fucking up SBBH as Crensch planned it would work. Nice - enjoy the dark side.

WhiteRonin ago

Gawd. Did Crensch really brain wash you that much?

gabara ago

@WhiteRonin even tried the SJW tactic of "muh disrepect to the disabled". Some trolls.

gabara ago

Why are you two so butt hurt over this one post:

Rent free.

zyklon_b ago

u aint rent free @trigglypuff will explain why you aint a leadership material and so will caveman n @puttsmum

if u aint gonna be a good mod just fuckiin give it up to somebody aint so retarded socially they know how to act

i like u as a person just too retarded(autististic) to run sbbh. @heygeorge @puttsmum

gabara ago

Why to you keep fake pinging @caveman_in_a_suit? You need to cut back on the drugs

platos_allegory ago

i dont think its drugs.

zyklon_b ago

he hates u too and is a member of the new gang

gabara ago

Read it when you come out of your psychosis

HIVchan ago

Don't take it personally, everyone hates you..... except for use HIVs, we appreciate your help. Keep having butt sex!