ESOTERICshade ago

ESOTERICshade ago

I like it when Trump's fat fingered media director makes a typo every now and then and they swoon and giggle trying to "decode" the secret message Trump is sending to them.

gabara ago


heygeorge ago

The problem is only that these are already becoming more meaningful than actual Q droppings.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Trust the Plan!

gabara ago

LOL! This is turning into an episode of South Park.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think you are on to something here. Now that I have the template I might resurface as the next Q and lead the lemmings over the cliff so that America can be great again.

When did Pyllis Diller hear radio frequencies coming through the fillings in her teeth?

When did Jackie Gleason paint the ceiling blue as he came out of his coma from slipping on a bananna peel and come into his awakening?

You have the the power to put the bird seed in the orange and Make America Great Again

Air Force One

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

When did I lose my bong

When did we suspiciously find invisible midgets awakening

Oh look here's my bong wait what's that in the bowl



gabara ago


drstrangegov ago

But then that makes you precisely as bad as they are

gabara ago

What are they doing that is bad?

drstrangegov ago

Oops, sorry. My brain went to a bad place thinking that we were interfering with honest people really trying to help people. But then I finally realized these people behave like scum and Q is fake. And now I'm pissed. But there are good folks there.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

They are mostly good, just misguided. Like Amway.

drstrangegov ago

Ha! My poor grandpa spent a fortune with Amway.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Did he ever break away from the commerce cult?

drstrangegov ago

Well....yes. in a way. He ran out of money and died.

gabara ago

Yep, and I'm trying to bring them to the light:

ESOTERICshade ago

I never read this sub until up until about the last four weeks. I didn't know what yall did over here. There is actually a lot VERY smart people in this sub and yall make me laugh.

Le_Squish ago

All this time you could have been having fun with us.

ESOTERICshade ago

All this time you could have been having fun with us.

I know!

sosat_menya_reddit ago

When did POTUS become a Jew?

When did we lose sight of our gefilte fish and awakening

There is a Torah under the pillow



IsaacGoldstein ago


gabara ago

I saw that one, lol!

sosat_menya_reddit ago

For their own sake they better stay anon. It will be a bloodbath.

I despise those retards with all my being.

drstrangegov ago

Why? They just want to expose the corruption destroying our country. The followers I mean. They are cult victims at this point. Like scientologists.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate any of them personally and I admire the sentiment even if they won’t/don’t admit what the real problem is.

I absolutely despise the drone mentality of a cult and @QRV is a cult by the very definition.

drstrangegov ago

I have to agree.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I approve of this

Let the good times roll

gabara ago

Do it, make one!

BushChuck ago

Thank you.

This is fun.

gabara ago

When did Tina Turner looser her anal virginity?

When did we briskly smack liberty firmly upside the head comma awakening?

You know where the bodies are burred.



gabara ago

When did Madonna do 17 niggers at the same time?

When did we let loose the slippery bonds of Awakeningtm?

You have more salt than you know,.



heygeorge ago


gabara ago

When did Paul Simon become a piece of shit?

When did we begin to hear the sound of silence of the awakening?

You have the broom, sweep up my drops.
