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clamhurt_legbeard ago

i object to this username

WhiteRonin ago

What cha mean clammy?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

that username is clearly a ripoff of my intellectual property

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry! But at least you got the message! Didn’t you get her PM?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I got pictures in PMs, but they aren't consistent with the heavily edited nudes purported to be her.

Nadeshda ago

whatta skank, no?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The pictures I got weren't skanky at all, they were from her daughter's wedding lol

Nadeshda ago

Oh that’s a relieve... no telling what’s real anymore in this saga... like the Days of our lives on Voat or something, something... drama series that just keeps giving...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't believe everything you hear. Doubly true from trolls.

How are you doing?

Nadeshda ago

I’m good, yes crazy busy had some personal milestones to reach these last few weeks and utterly feel relieved atm. I had to rest early last night as the sheer after effect is enough to wipe someone out. I have a few more personal hurdles to achieve and then finally and hopefully life can mellow a bit. Still forging ahead Sir with hope in my heart, so there is that! How is the little one? And also the package, darnit I have been working crazy times, sporadic at best, hoping to send it today... sorry for the delay.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



I thought you said you sent it two Fridays ago, but maybe you just finished putting it together! Now I'm relieved, I was hoping it hadn't gotten lost....

Little one is still esconced. Any day now... We're at the point where we need the baby to be out so things can start settling back down lol.

I know what you mean about stuff being hectic. I call that your life exploding. But no matter what, you just have to punch back.

Keep punching explosions.

Nadeshda ago

We can do this, yes it’s ready but getting to a post office on time has been super problematic...dugh my times of running around in an opposite direction keeps happening!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im not worried

were planning on keeping the baby at least through thanksgiving lol

you got time

Nadeshda ago

Yay! :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago




then were all more excited for us to get it

Nadeshda ago

Good on ya, I like waiting too, makes it way better! Some people can’t wait, glad you said that! You are my type of people... :)