TheBuddha ago

That's not even remotely close to being probable.

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I'm not sure that's the same. Also, what are the odds?

TheBuddha ago

I know! It's awesome.

The only bad thing is that kids today will never know the joy of finding a porn stash. That's a big milestone in life and they'll never get to experience that.

TheBuddha ago

Dude... Tits. I mean, come on. Everybody loves tits, even gay dudes.

pittiout ago

I finally checked my PMs and they all came from this place.

What is the plan?

gabara ago

1 with a bullet

TheBuddha ago

I have repeatedly stood up for him, but never pinged him to let him know I had.

I'm kinda curious as to what y'all are going on with now. As near as I can tell, he's not compromised his morals and he's been pretty dedicated at his consistency. So, I'm baffled about the drama. Alas, I've no time to find out more.

If someone would give me the Cliff Notes, that'd help. From what I've seen, he's just been being himself.

C_Corax ago

I don't think you really want to know, but I'll put it like this. When people get accused of something with zero merit they laugh it off. When there is something to it they get defensive about it. If there really is something to it they get straight up hostile for being called out on it! That is the source of @crensch having a bit of a meltdown at the moment.

With my limited involvement in the farce, this is why I'm banned from GA btw. Even without bias I'd call that a proper meltdown.

TheBuddha ago

What, exactly, is he guilty of? Liking tits? 'Cause, fuck... I love tits. I'm more of a shapely ass kinda guy, but tits are pretty fucking awesome.

C_Corax ago

Breasts comes in all sorts of sizes on an otherwise fit woman, but the ass tells the true story :)

Mostly guilty of sperging out while previously holding the high moral ground with trying to protect Voat from bad things. There's a touch of double standards with that rubbed people the wrong way. I'd advice staying out of it because it's retarded, but I might engage in it myself..

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure what the double standard is. He banned disruptive people for breaking rules.

To me, curation of content and submissions is a form of expression. As such, that's very much allowed by the rules. Indeed, there's a long history of some subs only allowing certain types of speech. Go to FPH and say you like fat women. Go to anonall and say you hate Jews.

I don't see the double standard. I could be missing something, but so far nobody has articulated it in a way that makes sense.

Basically, it seems to boil down to: "I went in and shit on the carpet. Then we took turns grinding the shit into the carpet really well. We got kicked out. He's an asshole for kicking us out!"

C_Corax ago

Well it boils back to /v/ProtectVoat that crensch was previously a mod of, having been awfully busy dictating how other subs should be run. Deleting shit that should have been posted in a different sub or banning repeated offenders is off limits unless absolutely justified(by a set of definitions they would define). It's supposed to be up to the communities to regulate things with up and downvoates. Which in my opinion is retarded. If I'm going to clog up /v/guitar with nonsense that has nothing to do with music, I'm making the sub harder to navigate for the folks that are there for its intended purpose. You should probably get rid of me.

So it rubbed people the wrong way seeing crensch suddenly going on a ban spree.. Some of the bans mine included on none justifiable grounds as well. I told you it was retarded :)

TheBuddha ago

How come I suspect they were all justified?

Bah... It's the guitar thread soon. I'll try to unravel the shit this weekend, if I have time. I've purposely avoided it.

C_Corax ago

Some of the bans surely was warranted, but others weren't. Ignorance is bliss and I wont ruin your mood by going further into it. Like said the whole thing is retarded.

Gonna head to bed, but I'll be checking out some tunes in the morning :)

TheBuddha ago

The thread marks an anniversary - the MFU site has been up for a year. So, we tried to encapsulate the essence of rock in a single track.

That turned out to be damned difficult, but I think we got it.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Yeah. He's said some things that I personally disagree with, and I may have doxxed him with some gay porn three months ago during an alcoholic blackout.. But I asked politely to be unben, and he unben me.

Can't we find another retarded sub to have fun with? GA is kinda retarded, and the crap there was funny for a while, but then it just got cringey.

TheBuddha ago

I still don't see what he did wrong. He followed the posted rule of the sub and banned disruptive people that were fucking with them just for the sake of fucking with them.

It's voat. There's all sorts of subs to fuck with people.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I say we all create alts, our alts start a retarded sub, and we fuck with those sick bastards instead. It would be hilarious.

TheBuddha ago

I don't have enough emotional investment to do all that. It sounds a lot like work. Fuck that. I already do enough work for Voat.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Just make an alt and lurk!

TheBuddha ago

That seems remarkably pointless. This may come as a shock to you, but I have better things to do. Shit, I'm not even on voat that much lately.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Voat is pretty much pointless altogether.

TheBuddha ago

There's some good stuff here, like the guitar thread. That's not pointless, that's constructive.

gabara ago

He won't unban me but qtards keep pinging me so I can't reply.

TheBuddha ago

What'd you do to get banned?

gabara ago

I was banned for srayzie mistakenly deleting my legit post. Yes I have proofread that sentence.

TheBuddha ago


Did you forget that I have known you for years now?

I don't believe you made a legit post. I ain't buying that nonsense. You tell lie to someone gullible enough to believe it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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gabara ago

Yet no one, not even @crensch can tell us what it was

TheBuddha ago

I'm dubious. I bet he wrote a long post explaining EXACTLY why he did what he did.

That's kinda what he does!

Anyhow, I have to concentrate on the FNGT.

gabara ago

I have something for FNGT tonight. What do I do?

TheBuddha ago

Wait and post it in a few minutes? That's what we all do. The thread opens in like 2.5 minutes.

gabara ago

Where do I post it, in the thread?

TheBuddha ago

Yes. We do this same exact thing every week. Y'all should know how it works by now! LOL

fuspezza ago

Yeah but I made it in too a mansion

P33psh04h ago

tonight I am going to have sex ya fuqqin virgins.

gabara ago

Not me, it hasn't been a week yet. Sunday.

P33psh04h ago


gabara ago

When you're almost 50, the libedo slows down. Hers is increasing

zyklon_b ago

@expertshitposter @trigglypuff the gang is back

ExpertShitposter ago

im going drinkin

be back in a hour or two

zyklon_b ago

i ate 11 percocetz N 12 beers miller high life

Warmoose76 ago

God damn how are you awake?

zyklon_b ago

u a equal now

zyklon_b ago

is cause i live to laugh and laugh to live i reckom

Warmoose76 ago

Living the high life

zyklon_b ago


gabara ago

I may have demodded, then banned, then remooded triggly. Sorry. Removed all my bans. By the way I'm banned and demodded from beatlestrollarmy.

zyklon_b ago

u n3ed make white ronin ans me owners again. imagine if i made u just a mod?