I did. Gloves come off unless @crensch unbans me. The qtards started this. They keep pinging me and PMing me into their qtard threads, I go to reply and it says I'm banned. So @crensch WILL unban be before 9pm or I stop following the rules.
No I set my clock to that rule. @heygeorge is 100% correct on that one. AFter @expertshitposter purged all the rules, I recreated the no nickleback rule
Just FYI, I'm friendly with @crensch even though he's crazier than a bag of hammers and wet squirrels. I mean, aren't well all? But enough is enough, even between friends. He's been uptight lately ever since the sray/zeek trollwar - needs a wedgie to loosen things up.
That conversation was with shizy and she did unban you.
Here is your current ban description:
Rule Violation in v/GreatAwakening: No forum sliding disruptive shilling ; Description: @gabara agreed to follow the rules and then chose to go after Srayzie with a shit post.
I definitely don't appreciate the lying and manipulating you're trying to do here.
Posted automatically (#47994) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ifuckdolphinseverday: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
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Caveman_in_a_suit ago
I didn't know we had stopped attacking, must have missed a memo
gabara ago
I did. Gloves come off unless @crensch unbans me. The qtards started this. They keep pinging me and PMing me into their qtard threads, I go to reply and it says I'm banned. So @crensch WILL unban be before 9pm or I stop following the rules.
Caveman_in_a_suit ago
This means Nick_lb_ck, right?
gabara ago
No I set my clock to that rule. @heygeorge is 100% correct on that one. AFter @expertshitposter purged all the rules, I recreated the no nickleback rule
Caveman_in_a_suit ago
So, what's the game plan then?
Just FYI, I'm friendly with @crensch even though he's crazier than a bag of hammers and wet squirrels. I mean, aren't well all? But enough is enough, even between friends. He's been uptight lately ever since the sray/zeek trollwar - needs a wedgie to loosen things up.
Then we can all be friedends again, I hope.
gabara ago
ima do what I always do, push almost broken people over the edge. I.m quite good at it.
Caveman_in_a_suit ago
Hm. The point is to get them to stop pinging you, yeah?
Crensch ago
It seems you forgot a little history.
That conversation was with shizy and she did unban you.
Here is your current ban description:
I definitely don't appreciate the lying and manipulating you're trying to do here.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
unban me from GA faggot.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums comment by @Crensch.
Posted automatically (#47994) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ifuckdolphinseverday: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
PuttitoutIsGone ago
You banned me for absolutely no reason at all.
gabara ago
Can you elaborate on the details of your lie, rabbi?