drstrangegov ago

I'm sperging out a little bit myself today. Must be some kind of chemical imbalance. Walking around in a rage all day. Might be because of someone trying to start ww3 with Iran. If anyone thinks it isn't banking related they are fucking stupid.

ExpertShitposter ago

And they won't stop false flagging attacks till they have enough to justify it. And the Q MAGA boomers will love every bit of their kids body parts that come back from that shithole.

drstrangegov ago

I was afraid from the beginning that Trump was compromised. A good guy would tell us the fucking truth about all this crazy shit happening that affects every one of us. But no. All we fucking get is a zillion pictures of his new hairdo. I'm so done with all this shit. As long as people stay the fuck off my lawn I won't become a raging psychopath and start ripping people arms off and shoving them up their asses. Fuck I hate people at this point

virge ago

If anyone thinks it isn't banking related they are fucking stupid.

Iran being one of the three countries left without a Central Bank is spot on. Just another fucking War for Israel.

drstrangegov ago

Syria, Iran,and....was it Cuba? It takes a lot of willful ignorance to not think our country is the strong right hand of the banks. But what I can't figure out is why none of you guys talk about China. Dollars to donuts ALL social media including voat is lousy with chinese disinformationist and bots.

heygeorge ago

Crack a cold Monster. @expertshitposter

P33psh04h ago

The weather crazy too br0

TopTierCIAShill ago

voat is sperging out when the fags at /v/soapboxbanhammer haven't banned me yet.


heygeorge ago

No thanks. Men prefer debt-free virgins.

HateCumbuckets ago

Crensch shift seems too sudden. I reckon he sold the account.

P33psh04h ago

His *soul

heygeorge ago

I do not think that is the case. THE POWER OF TITTIES COMPELS YOU

auto_turret ago

Bingo. Orbiter.

sguevar ago

Dang you made me fart or laughter again.... XD

SearchVoatBot ago

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HateCumbuckets ago

I saw the tits. Meh...

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeh. Boobs on fat chinks don't count.

heygeorge ago

Maybe he got special access photos

HateCumbuckets ago

Ah premium. Only $29.95 a month.

sguevar ago

LMAO well dang when you put it in that way we all may have quite a bit to think about

virge ago

So I did some research based on your advice.

Le_Squish ago

I've also noticed and lol'd at this. I bet it's really cramping his style.

virge ago

I've also noticed and lol'd at this. I bet it's really cramping his style.

Since you're still a piece of shit, nothing has really changed around here.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey! cuck cuck cocksucker!

Look! I use exclamation marks!

Gee! Didn’t you know they are used for emphasis and nothing special in the English language?!?

Le_Squish ago


virge ago

When the best you can do is point out something that doesn't matter, I rest my case completely.

Stupid women.

Le_Squish ago

[Autistically Deleted]

heygeorge ago

I don’t know what else to do but laugh. [REDACTED]