gabara ago

posts Ren & Stimpy

I agree, OP really is a pedo:

@zyklon_b @expertshitposter

KosherHiveKicker ago

Projection mcuh?

I used Ren and Stimpy intentionally because you admitted you were sad when the creator turned out to be a child molester.

zyklon_b ago

@kosherhivekicker is what us whites call "controlled opposition" is why he jumped on the (((trump))) aka qanon team. he will deflect with personal attacks and make wild accusations but WE KNOW

KosherHiveKicker ago

Feel free to post actual proof of me completely supporting Trump's pro-Zionist agenda.... OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Click the above for proof of their "furry" friendship.

derram ago :

Forum Fuel: Ren & Stimpy - The Button - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

gabara ago

zyklon_b ago

KOMRADE gabara this post is a feeble attempt to play off your autism and try to get you do hateful stuff to me. WE LOVE YOU,

@expertshitposter @trigglypuff @seanbox @heygeorge we protect gabara!!!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Calling out your Fag_Boy Band of Brony-Bros?

zyklon_b ago

do u wanna mod the new pv type sub?

gabara ago

nah, i just want shitpost

zyklon_b ago

too late u invited to lead

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago

post often and NEVER LET UP