sinclair ago

This is like pissing on someone's grave. Jews do this. Why would you continue to do this to someone who already admitted defeat and left? It makes no sense. It's dishonorable.

heygeorge ago

Why would you continue to do this to someone who already admitted defeat and left?

Who is this even supposed to be? I really am not following here.

sinclair ago

It's supposed to be syrazie, one of the mods over at v/greatawakenings who was harassed (trolled) into quitting. (That's how I read it). She was well liked by her sub-verse. I didn't know her, but her story isn't unique.

Is it funny to continue to mock people, after they leave like this? Isn't this like dancing on someone's grave, or worse, with the pics, digging them up and throwing their body parts around? We don't find this repulsive? She's already gone.

I've only seen sand niggers, faggots and (((international bankers))) do this kind of shit.

It's fine. I can control what I see on Voat. I just block the sub. It's free speech, you can do what you want. I don't have to listen, or watch. I don't need to see her mocked after being tormented to leave, in my feed.

heygeorge ago

That doesn’t look like srayz. That’s why I’m confused as to who it’s supposed to be.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its GothamGirl. They've been spamming it

sinclair ago

Here's where ThotSot claims its Syrazie

Anyway, going to stick to actual content.

sinclair ago

Maybe I'm wrong. I'm going to delete my comments above, cause I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite. There is no sense in false accusations.

heygeorge ago

Shit, that was quick. It doesn’t make one a hypocrite to be mistaken.

heygeorge ago

Who’s titties are you going to send? We already have some and not looking for repeats.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I wanna see the flappy jew tittays!

MisterGrieves ago

I clicked to ask the same question. Lol

THOTshot ago

I'll be sending mine. Maybe you've seen them before, I do get around.

drstrangegov ago

I doubt you'll get much traction here. We're mostly old married cranks that long ago weighed talking to tarts and happy married life and the tarts came up short. You kids stay off my lawn.

THOTshot ago

Wel, it was worth a shot. There's not even on single guy here who migh my be interested?

drstrangegov ago

Run along now, sugar.

heygeorge ago

She may have better luck soliciting some others on the site.

0_--_0 ago

You are under arrest for being a thot!

THOTshot ago

I think you meant HOT!

HenryCabotLodge ago

Gee. I did not know "Agents" solicited on such shit sites as "soapbox banhammer". Do they pay you contractors enough to post useless shit like this?

THOTshot ago

Why is it useless? I'm having a hard time meeting someone and need some help.