gabara ago

@theoldones is cool

Sray3ie ago

Na he a faggot

gabara ago

I thought it was really big of him to post this:

drstrangegov ago


Sray3ie ago

He was dancing on Triggs grave yesterday. Twas a bit faggy tbh

gabara ago

You can't win if you sweat stuff like that. What would Julius Caesar do? Post a legion to siege the city and continue on to Hispania and kick ass.

Sray3ie ago

It’s funny because of this

Sray3ie ago

I dont. I just wanted to poke him so he reees

Its funny

gabara ago

Julius Caesar > Pompey

drstrangegov ago

You are a provocateur

Sray3ie ago

In the last week what gave you a clue? :)

drstrangegov ago

You are a coward and a scoundrel.

Sray3ie ago

You, like the rest of this site have lost your sense of humour.

Scoundrel yes.

drstrangegov ago

Some shit just isn't fucking funny.

Sray3ie ago



drstrangegov ago

You suck