drstrangegov ago

And here I thought you were standing for something.

zyklon_b ago

i am now after today

drstrangegov ago

Looks like you're kneeling before mammon.

zyklon_b ago

at least i aint cucked

drstrangegov ago

I do not wear a cuckolds horns. I neither care for another mans children nor is my wife an adultress. I love my country and the people in it. Everybody in it that have adopted our same values, recognize our own laws and obey them. If you know something we don't, explain it to us and we may even agree with you. But what I see is you running around screaming about qrv and bragging about posting gay porn (and worse) it's not voats place to take official action against you so your behavior doesn't ruin the potemkin house It's us as a community that has to deal with one of us that seems to be off the rails. So what's going on? You having money trouble? You spinnimg out? We're all here because we share the same values (as far as internet freedom)

If you force them to deal with your behavior administratively then voat will be Reddit. Whatever you are doing, or helping to do, will turn voat into Reddit. And my dad used to say "you don't shit where you eat"

zyklon_b ago


drstrangegov ago

I'm sick of being told what to think. I don't want anyone to get hurt! I've seen pain, I've seen suffering. And it's wrong. And fucking unnecessarily. So who's first if you had your chance in Israel? Just any random Jew on the street? Leave the proletariat alone. People are just trying to live. And all this bullshit is bullshit. What if it turns out your perspective has been force fed to you through propoganda. What if YOU were the one brainwashed and we're just looking at you like wtf? You ever consider that? Because that's what it looks like to me.

NiggerVirus ago

You fuck my mom

i_scream_trucks ago

Who didn't?

NiggerVirus ago


zyklon_b ago

gibs her muh numba

heygeorge ago

Should start a patreon

zyklon_b ago

nope cash to mih address like i am skeered

heygeorge ago

Would you take a check?

zyklon_b ago

nope @srayzie n @crensch is so much moe sophistiicated din us hill folks am sure they can afford it......