zyklon_b ago

Exactly the entire beatlejuice/zyklon saga is like a funny cartoon and NEVER to be taken seriously... 1990 style

zyklon_b ago

vote is muh kanvas n am an arteest

zyklon_b ago

itd be naive to think we aint always under surveillence i reckon. as long as u stay legal u ok.

zyklon_b ago

they were always here i reckon

zyklon_b ago

hahaha whatever happened to gettin drunk and laughing and bein violent....wooohoooo

zyklon_b ago

obviously @crensch & @srayzie must be getting paid to promote the propaganda.

zyklon_b ago

two parts of the same 7 headed beast

zyklon_b ago

$no is same thing and was all political i reckon yall....

zyklon_b ago

i agree its some bullshit what this (((trump))) did to voat

zyklon_b ago

i have anon and all of em blocked so aint read none of it. FOR REAL...lmao. too smart to be emotional i reckon.

its us or them

CerealBrain ago

@zyklon_b is major league faggot?

And I well take his mane squeaze?

zyklon_b ago

See all they can do is alt/anon personal attacks (on a xharacter we created) lmao. ouch ...lmao

zyklon_b ago

if they deny all the evidence then one must assume they are being paid to keep the charade going all while us white folks is bein genocided.

you tell me are they that dumb and sufferring from cognitive dissonance?

zyklon_b ago

is how i know they are paid to be here because it has been shown to them that the (((plan))) is for a greater israel.

zyklon_b ago

if @crensch and @srayzie are not (((whites))) then why do they push this pro Israel agenda?


zyklon_b ago

thanks for your continued frienship. If we give up now then all of Voat will be cucked cause @crensch

DintDoNothin ago


zyklon_b ago

@crensch is a cucked and supports (((trump))) amd by proxy a "greater israel"

prove me wrong??? and i stip

drstrangegov ago

You might be right. But what if you're wrong?

zyklon_b ago

then he is not getting paid to support Israel and we will all be ok.... if u believe that after thiz tho then is delusional?


drstrangegov ago

I think Trump has some explaining to do. But those New Yorkers have lived side by side with Jews for generations. I just don't see Trump as an enemy. Maybe a dumbshit being manipulated by netenyahu.

zyklon_b ago

make more excuses due to cognitive dissoance..


drstrangegov ago

What do you propose? About the only way to go from here is civil war. And there's just too many unanswered questions to commit to that yet. And anyway, you kids stay off my lawn

zyklon_b ago

u think i was joking when i told u how to survive longer?

drstrangegov ago

What was your advice again?

zyklon_b ago

he who goes kannibal 1st lives longest.

drstrangegov ago

Oh. That was terrible advice.

zyklon_b ago

yo damn kids is hungry and u too moral to feed em???


drstrangegov ago

Feed them human flesh? I'm a man, not a ghoul.

zyklon_b ago

i already thought it just butcher em in they houses and bring back some "hog" meat.

drstrangegov ago

What if you are condemning their souls?

zyklon_b ago

how by eating "hog " meat?

drstrangegov ago

Yes. It's in the bible

zyklon_b ago

so u get blood transfusion or stem cell therapy youd be damned?

DintDoNothin ago

I don't even know who that is my friend. Fuck Israel though. . .