ExpertShitposter ago

i am have becomed, monolith............

heygeorge ago

On your @snaegoatiswear alt?

zyklon_b ago

i did it all for 1st amnedment

NotHereForPizza ago

The things is, it doesn't even matter if it's completely accurate.

heygeorge ago

This is why I like you, no matter what @srayzie says. Although she’s correct that you’re a right narcissistic twat.

srayzie ago

Oh puke. Don’t feed his big head. 🤢

NotHereForPizza ago

It's a filter.

At least you're worth complementing on not being as dull as the other retards, although I can't forgive your conspiring to fix things that aren't broken to maintain control.

Don't misunderstand, I don't blame you. I don't, however, respect you for it.

heygeorge ago

conspiring to fix things that aren't broken

lolol You are pretty smart, but when you say things like this, I have to assume you were dropped.

zyklon_b ago

i never posted porn or gore asshole.

i just said was me

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I am Spartacus.

zyklon_b ago

i am beatljuice.

zyklon_b ago

That aint porn you fuckin idiot. i was simply askin if the pic was ivanka (((trump))) for research not porn purposes. you a cuck if u think i into porn

JackHoff ago

Dude, guess you're working from a different definition of what porn is.

What you posted is porn.

Halseon ago

It's porn and you're a Jew!

zyklon_b ago

u deaf botxh

Halseon ago

U stupid cunt

heygeorge ago

Lists of what? Everything we do?

drstrangegov ago

i'm surprised at you boys. porn spamming. what would your mothers say? how would I explain it to mrs. strangegov if she walked in and I had accidentaly clicked one of your links? itd be awkward, sir!

heygeorge ago

Nah, it’s you, too. SBBH is a monolith.

drstrangegov ago

we talking Stanley kubric sort of monolith? and i'm one of the monkeys its guiding the evolution of?

heygeorge ago


heygeorge ago

I mean, I like sharing degenerate cartoons and chicks with balls as much as the next occultist tranny SRS member who also secretly codes the site alongside @PuttItOut, yet...

Where do we go from here? Is it going to get any better than this? How many boomers do you think we’ve diverted from the cause through this campaign? I’d place it as high as 7%, but others have said in chat their metrics were showing only 3% (barely significant) more engagement on our sites and only a 1% decline in QRV interaction. (Statistically insignificant.) Do the boomers actually like this shit?!

Corpse_washer ago

You could always try chinese posting, if porn fails.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

They like getting riled up about it and pretending to be shocked. It’s as close to the real world as many of them ever get.

heygeorge ago

I imagine so many shut-ins watching Lou Dobbs.

sosat_menya_reddit ago
