sosat_menya_reddit ago

I don’t remember 1990 and nothing can be proven one way or the other.

zyklon_b ago

I member 1990. i was 2 but member

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I was in my twenties but doing my best to relive the 60’s using a wide variety of herbs and powders.

Nothing can be proven one way or the other. I’m innocent.

zyklon_b ago

i was raise in a meff lab

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I’m not your father luke

zyklon_b ago

who this

zyklon_b ago

@thebuddha was that infant

TheBuddha ago

Is trufe!

zyklon_b ago

wanna go huntomg?

TheBuddha ago

No. No, thanks.

I did plink a few rabbits recently. They just show up on my lawn. I frequently have animals on my lawn, because animals like that area where things change. It goes from forested land to an open lawn, and animals like to be in areas like that. So, it's not uncommon for me to have even moose and deer on my lawn. Once in a blue moon, it's very seldom, I'll even have a bear on the lawn.

zyklon_b ago

i seen a mountain draggin a dead deer around on liquor store game cam 2 days ago.

takn the boy bowling today at noon or 1. gonna be fun. miniature golf and arcade is at bowling alley.

TheBuddha ago

Liquor store game cam?

zyklon_b ago

yeah my fave liquor store is in the woods and has game cams all around the property...i go inside and smoke with the owner. The owner is actually a yank but has been here so long he a reb now...

TheBuddha ago

That's kinda cool. I need to set up game cams on some of the trails.

zyklon_b ago

i get u a pic next time

TheBuddha ago

I'm surrounded by furry woodland critters. I should get pics.

drstrangegov ago

that sounds like an awesome town.

zyklon_b ago

is a cool store cause i get beer there

drstrangegov ago

is it like mayberry?

zyklon_b ago

be careful i have come across data that make me think the mods of GA may throw you under the bus for playing both sides and shit. i am concerned they will do you as they did laura

drstrangegov ago

you guys are being knuckleheads. and I learned something about lauraingalls that made a lot of sense. this is all some "falcon crest" level shit and i'm out.

zyklon_b ago

What do you mean "out" and what did u learn about laura?

the lesson to be learned is GA mods will use you then throw u under bus to get attention off of em