zyklon_b ago

shalom @srayzie aka @shizy really taught me a lesson bout questioning the (((plan))) read below @crensch supports these kikes. gas for that bitch too


Shizy ago

Don't ping me nigger lover! If I want to talk to you I'll call your PO again.

zyklon_b ago

@bopper you are next and its your mods fault

Shizy ago

Watch out @booper, some tweaker is gonna say some mean things online! Boo 😱

bopper ago

Lol I quaketh.

zyklon_b ago

:) watch out GA some tweaker gonna fuck yall off

Shizy ago

Some tweaker better watch out cause some GA knows wasss up with his shit yo! πŸ˜‰

zyklon_b ago


Shizy ago

Go OD faggot 😘

zyklon_b ago

keep.feedin us .

Shizy ago

I gots sum leads fur youz oar any other beetch who thanks theyse gonna touch my boyzzz. Member, minze is in my cusddody so eyes wacchem alls da time. Same 4 you? Nope......

zyklon_b ago

keep feedinf me @lauraingalls look how @srayzie does not do anything when shitzy feeds me..@vindicator

Shizy ago

I feedz trufe to a muthafukka who things is kewl to talk bout ppls kids. Wanna talk bout kids more? Or sore subject?

zyklon_b ago

@lauraingalls haha look how they hath forsakem u

Shizy ago

So not up for talkin about kids anymore? Kewl!

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Crensch is cool though. He once said he’d shoot smokratez.

zyklon_b ago

he once did mental gymnastics to attack muh gurl @trigglypuff so for all the while promoting a sub that makes pro ZOG posts..... he would suck a dick if he thought maybe @srayzie send him a pussy pic

CerealBrain ago

Ima steal yer gril bro.

Shawn_Lepore ago

So @trigglypuff is your girl? I though @gothamgirl was yours. You a pimp homie!