Yeah.. As a group they are never going to get it though. Because they are 2-3 years invested into their savior being "almost ready to bring down the deep state" already. It's a tall order to expect them to admit to themselves they have been had when fuck all is going to happen.
If we can bring a few into the light and see things for themselves though. That'll be worth something. And I for one don't mind shitposting the least bit. It's second nature to me :)
drstrangegov ago
this reads like someone trying to imitate our zyklon_b. his redneck speak is much more fluid. this seems forced.
zyklon_b ago
C_Corax ago
Likewise. You got mentioned twice in all 11 pings :)
zyklon_b ago
we are liberating Voat from its snowflake occupiers
C_Corax ago
We'll succeed before any arrests are made. Which is kinda sad if you think about it.. Oh well one thing at a time :)
zyklon_b ago
whats horrible is we are just trying show em how retarded and imbecilic they are
C_Corax ago
Yeah.. As a group they are never going to get it though. Because they are 2-3 years invested into their savior being "almost ready to bring down the deep state" already. It's a tall order to expect them to admit to themselves they have been had when fuck all is going to happen.
If we can bring a few into the light and see things for themselves though. That'll be worth something. And I for one don't mind shitposting the least bit. It's second nature to me :)
CerealBrain ago
@zyklon_b eats feces