zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff thanks mein komrade

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

REmember, I am an artist. To fully appreciatE my work, you must pondEr it. ThErE is morE than mEEts the EyE.


C_Corax ago

I think she bumped her head.

C_Corax ago

For better or for worse I am a dude. What you girls fighting over this time?

C_Corax ago

So you aren't entirely dismissive of the idea?

HateCumbuckets ago

Assuming one has emotions

gabara ago

@srayzie, Triggly, please make up and be friends.

gabara ago

I wish we could all get along again.

srayzie ago

Me too. I’m not upset with you Gabara. We worked it out.

gabara ago


drstrangegov ago


heygeorge ago

Just give it like 5 mins

gabara ago

Will they have girl on girl action?

heygeorge ago

Trust the plan

gabara ago

Yeah, about that... I know Mick put me in charge of the committee to apoint the people that were going to come up with a plan, and well, it got stuck in caucus. Still no plan other than to come up with a plan.

heygeorge ago

I trust this plan!

gabara ago

Let me try something:

Something something Trump yadda yadda Mick yadda yadda Q something something plan.

heygeorge ago

How did that work out for you?

gabara ago

It... did not.