FromTelAvivWithLove ago

The lolis and trannies will continue until morale improves at QRV

heygeorge ago

So now what mess am I going to have to clean up

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

It's like taking a poo bag when your dog does the naughty on a neighbor's lawn, except @gabara is a 300 meter tall monster so ya need an excavator amd several dump trucks

heygeorge ago

We need more janitors around here. With all the owners, it’s like too many chiefs and not enough indians

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yeah, it was a funny prank to pull on you two cycles ago but hasn't aged well

heygeorge ago

32 [O]’s
4 [M]’s
3 [J]’s

Ok, at least there are three who can help get to work on a gabara dump. It’s not alllllllll bad.

srayzie ago

Thank you Gabara

LordStevenChrist ago

My blessing be upon you, my son. Go ye forth and bring the light unto darkness.

gabara ago

I want it all to be light, all the time!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

There's like five people posting about @LordStevenChrist (that I know of). And all five of them are @LordStevenChrist.

LordStevenChrist ago

From one comes many.

gabara ago

I want to believe @LordStevenChrist

LordStevenChrist ago

Disinfo is necessary.

drstrangegov ago

Bullshit. Liars lie

drstrangegov ago

And the Q people want to believe in Q. Heck....I want to believe in Q.

gabara ago

LordStevenChrist ago

Trust the plan.

gabara ago

Q is the deceiver!

drstrangegov ago

And Lord Stephen Christ isn't?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Q is my nephew. I never should have given him that Commodore 64.

What the fuck have I done?!!

zyklon_b ago

i will never call it off that was @gabara komrade. i aint the nice forgiving type. me i will ride by n blow day branes out

drstrangegov ago

Let it go, man. It may be pride that's driving you.

zyklon_b ago

shh. i just laughing

Inaminit ago

drstrangegov ago

But if they have no brains, how would this be accomplished?

Inaminit ago

He am confuse...

zyklon_b ago

with a gum to tehy kids heads

zyklon_b ago


gabara ago

talk to shizy. he unben me

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

i asked shizy to ben me as a condition of surrender. he didnt ben me yet.

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago

No that @srayzie alt and i aint bowing down to qtards

sosat_menya_reddit ago

You don’t bow to Qtards you trip over them when they drop the bingo marker.

zyklon_b ago

reeeee reeeeee

@drstrangegov learn how to.laugh

drstrangegov ago

Lol= lack of logos

srayzie ago


zyklon_b ago

ima kilt em witj a gun

Inaminit ago

zyklon_b ago

only cowards quit