CerealBrain ago

get a fucking job moron, or give me your address


sguevar ago

This is going way too far.

Making false accusations and misinformation to manipulate others to be against GA is simply a (((jew in the letter))) way to go.

Zyklon, you are behaving like a stooge of (((them))) here. I mean, I don't care much about GA and their content perse. I find it somewhat interesting to read but I do not support this effort you and @gabara are engaging on here. This is faggotry in he biggest level possible.

@heygeorge, @TheBuddha.

TheBuddha ago

Dunno why you'd ping me. I'm not his mother! If I was, I'd be pretty disappointed!

sguevar ago


zyklon_b ago

the jew cries out in pain as she strikes you

sguevar ago

Says the one that is behaving like a (((jew in the letter))) in the first place man.

Back off for many of us have been called many things for defending SBBH. But what you are engaging here is in some brigading effort that I will not support at all.