Nadeshda ago

You have a fellow contender in the race!

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Jesus man, don't do it. I'll vote for you, you can count on it, but don't come to me afterward and say why didn't I warn you.

They are going to say the Russians made you stomp Tokyo. Have you considered that?

gabara ago

I pledge to stomp all enemies to death. Twice.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

If @TheBuddha is going into retirement he is now available to be your campaign manager. If you promised him the swan car I bet he would agree to do it. As President you could demand the swan car, or simply send in the Seals to take the fucking thing by force of arms. Adding midgets to your campaign platform might be just what is needed to push you over the top. This would also achieve @TheBuddha's impossible goal of shitposting his way to the swan car. Stranger things have happened.

TheBuddha ago

He can't get elected. He's a monster from Japan. That's clearly against the rules.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

All the more reason to do it!

I've already warned him against it. He seems quite determined to proceed, which is a good quality in a presidential candidate.

TheBuddha ago

I ain't helping.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Look - it's this powerful stubborn streak of yours that would make you a great campaign manager. Right people for the right job I always say.

TheBuddha ago

I don't give a shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

i vote gabara

gabara ago

Only a retar wouldn't cast his vote for Montey Bur-- er, Gabara!

Calculations ago

It's time to return to rural farmer lifestyles.

gabara ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Will you please rename an agency that should be called the Department of Homeland Security Theater?

Also, make the Dept of Defense back to its original name, Department of War

gabara ago

Dept of Defense back to its original name, Department of War

Done. I like it!

Department of Homeland Security Theater?

Denied. They will be disbanded and replaced with the Department of Kaiju Defense which will be tasked mainly with keeping Minya away from my stash.

drstrangegov ago

I can get behind this.

gabara ago

TSAs are gone too. Not just fired, there will be public executions and their victims will get to throw rotten foot at them before we burn them alive.

NosebergShekelman ago

I need to lobby you to make Maxipads smell like Jack Daniels.

gabara ago

Nah, I will outlaw all disposable menstruation products.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago


gabara ago

It's like 20-30% of our landfills and it's biowaste. they have reusable products but it's slightly more effort, and you know women and effort.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Diva cups are fucking disgusting tho.

They should just be constantly pregnant and popping out babies.

gabara ago

they also have moonpads. they have no excuse

NosebergShekelman ago

Ha! Correct answer(gives shekels)

gabara ago

It's time for women to recycle their cycle

NosebergShekelman ago

Simply brilliant! We can put that on billboards and on the sides of public transportation. I doubt Potato is gonna like this shit and will probably try & foobar this campaign!

Nadeshda ago


friendshipistragic ago

Only if you choose Mothra as your VP

NosebergShekelman ago

Mothra is in the hospital

friendshipistragic ago

I don’t want foreign Kaijewish influence in my election. Can you renounce your citizenship on monster island?

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey we need to create a group that will protect me from such anti-Kaijewishism

gabara ago

I'm have to go with @KrakenCentaur. He's a Centaur AND a Kraken. How can we lose?

edistojim ago

Make America absurd again?

You’re too late .

gabara ago

America needs to go back too being like an episode of Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job like it was in the 90's.

edistojim ago

Instead of Tom and Jerry?

muffalettadiver ago

lol. You have my voat.