TheBuddha ago

How's the missus this morning?

zyklon_b ago

im da boss in dis boat so she calls me skipper

da way i turn these pills over she should call me flipper.

she puked at 6 and is still feeling bad. she will not take opioids but i suspect hydro may cure stomqch by slowing digestion

TheBuddha ago

It probably would help, actually. But, she may have issues stomaching it and she may vomit the pill(s) back up.

zyklown_b ago

yes she is concenred and aint gonna force it on her

TheBuddha ago

If you have dillies left, she may get enough efficacy from snorting, though that'd be wasteful due to BA. Still, wasteful or not, it may offer some relief.

Ondansetron is a pretty good med, if she can get that scripted.

Apple juice or ginger ale would be a good idea, but I absolutely dislike giving medical advice as I'm not qualified. She needs to stay as hydrated as possible, which would be why they put a bag of fluids into her. Getting dehydrated just prolongs it.

zyklown_b ago

she on odrmsteone now. she aint gonna take no opis.

nigger shawn went to pain management yesterday and says the place no longer accepts insurance so i hope its not true.

TheBuddha ago

I can't imagine a pain clinic that stopped taking Medicade, or whatever it is that you call it there. It's called Mainecare, here.

The bulk of their income is almost certainly from that.

zyklown_b ago

not here bulk of income is cash patients. there are few "crooked" ones that will accept medicaid

TheBuddha ago

Really? That makes no sense, given the bulk of recipients for medical care have insurance, be it private or state funded.

That makes no sense, but I'm not there.

zyklown_b ago

it makes sense if you understand that if drs accept insuramce are under scrutiny from state insurance lobby. ths cash drs can prescribe liberaly with no fear of bein invesyigates

TheBuddha ago

Huh... I don't see that lasting for long, before they start investigating the cash-only places as well.

Then again, Florida was a pill mill for quite a while, so who knows?

zyklown_b ago

they busting em every couple months but new ones open up in same place in a week or 2

TheBuddha ago

LOL That's insane. Same doctors each time, or?

zyklown_b ago

no the drs move to oklahoma or mississippi and new ones move in. is like a big "circuit"

TheBuddha ago

That's fucking crazy. To be quite frank, I think they should legalize all drugs for those who have reached the age of majority. If you're 18+, you should have the ability to put whatever you want into your system.

We already criminalize bad behavior. So, committing crimes is already against the law. Doing drugs should not be against the law - bad behavior should be against the law.

zyklon_b ago

ima switch to new alt and continue convo


TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

i like the new name

TheBuddha ago

Well, so long as it makes you happy!

zyklon_b ago

yea is funny to me

TheBuddha ago

LOL So long as you're having fun!