zyklon_b ago

lets let all that equity work for you thebuddha.

a short term high interest loan is best for long term stability

rubs hands together

TheBuddha ago

Let your money work for you. It's just good financial sense!

zyklon_b ago

how about my wife just work for me and i sit back n get high....

TheBuddha ago

Pimpin' ain't easy.

zyklon_b ago

but is necessary

TheBuddha ago

Someone's gotta keep 'em inline.

zyklon_b ago

Someone's gotta keep me in lines....

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

exactly welfare and medicaid only go so far...

TheBuddha ago

Need to move up the ladder at the pain clinic. Get you some 80 mg oxy and you'll be rolling in dough.

zyklon_b ago

i aint too much worried bout rolling in dough. i figure i got enough to last me forevee with welfare plus errything paid for.....

TheBuddha ago

More dough means you can make your money work for you, maybe even turning it into a legit business that helps people by employing them.

Or more drugs.

Both are good options.

zyklon_b ago

I just aint got the drive or time with all the gettin high and goin lake and river...

TheBuddha ago

You might if you had 180 80s to sell each month!

zyklon_b ago

i doubt any of em would get sold....

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, then you'd be high as balls and my point remains that you should move up the opiate ladder!

zyklon_b ago

i been thinkn bout it but at same time kinda scares me cause i aint tryin od

TheBuddha ago

You'll build up a tolerance! LOL

zyklon_b ago

thats a fear too

TheBuddha ago

The WDs suck when your tolerance is that high. They really do.

I'm considering asking them to up mine. It's already going to suck when I have to quit. I might as well get good and high while I'm at it.

zyklon_b ago

I am betting you never quit again. at your age and health itd be dumb to go through that misery

TheBuddha ago

We will see. It really depends on the leg. I'd like to quit again. I don't really like being dependent on anything. It also saps my drive and creativity.

zyklon_b ago

dude we have been actually chatting a lot more since the injury so at least we got that. probably the longest on goin conversation in Voat history

the tweakin mohican n wife came over last nite. in morning we heading to mulberry river and are all goin kayakin. i not be on Voat much tomorrow cause of that so no worries if u not hear from.me

TheBuddha ago

LOL I have busy season coming, myself. We perform this weekend, on Saturday night. I have rehearsals on Friday night. I'm also not drinking, so it's going to suck more than normal. I enjoy performing, but the work that goes into it kinda sucks. At least I don't have to carry shit.

zyklon_b ago

i respect that u take it so serious but at same time 8 have to question if is best thing for leg???

TheBuddha ago

It doesn't matter what is best. I gave my word that I would do this.

zyklon_b ago

extenuating circumstances bro.....:)

TheBuddha ago

No. I'm still physically capable. Besides, I do enjoy it. For all the pissing and moaning I do, I have it pretty easy.

zyklon_b ago

makes sense. see me when i retired i retired i aint doin shit unless im high n want to. am always high so all is well.

@whiteronin and i are tryin come up with invention so he can move up here and not have work anymore. we will hire @neogoat @generaldouche to run the company whilst we chill on lake with beer n drawgs n whores....

TheBuddha ago

LOL You're gonna need more drugs!

zyklon_b ago

I am fairly certain after the invention is sold @whiteronin and i not have any issues being well. see i was dirt poor n on welfare but still managed to maintain a big habit. ima winner dude

TheBuddha ago

I'll have to edit out the band performing We Are The Champions for ya. I'll get EH to do it.

zyklon_b ago

that will be kewl

TheBuddha ago

I just ate 12mg dilaudid. Ol' Buddha aims to sleep tonight.

The sun is kinda poking its head out. Did I tell you what I did yesterday evening/afternoon?

zyklon_b ago

whatd you do? work on cars?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I got the 911 out, changed the oil, cruised into the village to get fresh gas, and then let the eldest hoodlum drive it home. She had a blast.

zyklon_b ago

oh wow i drove a yellow 911 once and was impressed depite the cars old age.

what year is yours?

TheBuddha ago

1982 911 SC.

zyklon_b ago

yup bout same as one i drove...

damn dude is like your garage is what my fantasy in head has in it if i ever get to sue anybody

TheBuddha ago

It's insured and replaceable. If you ever get here, I'll let ya take it for a spin. Try not to get hurt, the ass end breaks out quickly.

zyklon_b ago

Yeah i aint drivin nothing in maine komrade. (no offense) but i just wanna be along for the ride my friend

TheBuddha ago

LOL just look out for moose and deer. You'll be fine. The roads are twisty, but they're not always covered in snow.

zyklon_b ago

im more concerned bout alcohol n drawgs n eatin good food

TheBuddha ago

LOL valid point

zyklon_b ago

sweet dreams komrades.

TheBuddha ago


I don't normally dream. If I do, I don't remember them.

zyklon_b ago

good morning.

kayak trip camcelled

TheBuddha ago

Oh? Why'd you cancel?

zyklon_b ago

its only 50 degrees outside and i aint getting in river to freeze

TheBuddha ago

LOL It was snowing here this morning.

zyklon_b ago

its supposed to be 80 today but now is cold so tweakinmohican be tweakin alone today

TheBuddha ago

Is he going out kayaking still?

zyklon_b ago

Yeah he still goin. He went out and already bought a new kayak so aint no getting mohican to stay home.

he stayed up 2 nights just preparing and gettin good and wired. meff cooks seem to have super high tolerances

TheBuddha ago

I hope he's smart enough to wear a life preserver.

zyklon_b ago

yeah he a meff cook so he clever

trailer park chemist

TheBuddha ago

Well, then at least he shouldn't drown.

I don't think I've ever kayaked while on stimulants.

zyklon_b ago

its fun

TheBuddha ago

I've done coke on the water, but not in a kayak or a canoe.

I have a paddleboat for those types of days. It even has room for a cooler full of beer.

zyklon_b ago

Thats what i need

TheBuddha ago

Highly recommended. You can get right retarded and not have to worry about anything. You can even fish from 'em, if you want. Boating while intoxicated is illegal, but they leave you alone in a paddleboat. 'Snot like you're going fast enough to present a danger to anyone. The kayak is for when I want to accomplish something. The paddleboat is for when I want to accomplish nothing.

It seems most people frown on them and don't care for them. I think they're awesome. My leg isn't going to let me use one this year, probably. Though it might be good therapy, so long as I have a helper to take me back if I go too far on it and my leg is no longer able to propel us. Mine's a two-seater with pedals for both and a rudder control between us.

zyklon_b ago

Well all you gotta do is import me and i pilot you around when leg fails.

dude the chat is really fun. have u drank anymore?

TheBuddha ago

Nope. I'm still not drinking.

zyklon_b ago

are you cool with neogoat?

TheBuddha ago

Mostly. They were being dumb this morning, for some odd reason. I've no idea why.

zyklon_b ago

just makin sure yall cool as would suck to have 2 of my closest allies in a bad way or whatever. he cool n very funny.

TheBuddha ago

I have no idea why he was being dumb. None.

zyklon_b ago

In real life he actually got genius type dna. He smart like you is what i mean. Thanks for not holding no grudges with him and shit:)


TheBuddha ago

I dunno why he was being retarded, but he was. It doesn't matter to me. I don't hold grudges and I don't hold him to high standards. He PMed me with stupid shit that was entirely irrelevant and when I pointed out he was being dumb he seemed to get annoyed. If you don't want to be called dumb, don't do stupid shit. It's actually pretty simple.

zyklon_b ago

oh i prefer to be called dumb and held to a lesser standard

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Yea keeps me healthy

TheBuddha ago

I'm gonna be productive. I told the hoodlum I'd help with her physics homework.

zyklon_b ago

see i gots a nephew in 8 th grade so they curriculum done too smart for me to help em

TheBuddha ago

This is just her first year of physics, so I'm good.

zyklon_b ago

i wish i had been able to learn school shit but fucked that off

TheBuddha ago

It's probably not too late, but I suspect you're not gonna!

zyklon_b ago

you suspect correctly as usual.

did u get the physics done?.

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I checked her work and she's fine.

zyklon_b ago

thats hawt komrade.

TheBuddha ago

LOL the snow has stopped and melted. I may take a drive all by my lonesome.

zyklon_b ago

sheeit man i wish u was here is 80 degrees and am opiated to the max n is miller time

TheBuddha ago

80° sounds horrible. It's a nice 45° here, but we are having heavy winds. I'd guess gusts are up to 50 mph, but that's not really unusual for here. Grid power will be out, but I have wind and solar with a lot of storage capacity. So, it won't faze me much.

In a while, I think I may make a spirited drive through the twisty mountain roads.

zyklon_b ago

looking like our meetup probably had to be up there due to all the prior engagements so 45 sounds horrible to me but obe must realize us arkansans are warm tropical honkies

TheBuddha ago

I've been to Arkansas. It's too damned hot. I like my cooler temps. The ideal outside temp is like 65° to me - except for winter. In winter it should be at least below 32°.

zyklon_b ago

the ideal temp here is 85 to 90. here it be like 55 to 60 in winters.

you was raised up north so probably bred into u to think cold is good. it aint. ice kills brother

TheBuddha ago

I was actually born and sorta raised there. It was later when I moved up this way.

And, it's true. Ice does kill.

However, I'm not stupid. I can always get warm. At the same time, there's a finite amount of clothing I can remove and still go out in public! There's no limit to how many layers I can wear!

zyklon_b ago

i take my shirt off bout april n put it back on in september or october usually.

is normal here to not wear shirts unless in a nice eatery

TheBuddha ago

That doesn't help when it's 85 and I'm melting!

I've really acclimated to the temp up here.

Man, I'm in a pissy mood today. I just recently paid my taxes and that was fucking obscene. Just now, I got a phishing email saying I had a tax refund I'm like, fuck you! Tax refund? I don't get one of those, faggot. I'm not sure if that's why I'm in a pissy mood or not. My tax bill this year was six figures - again. It wasn't even low six figures - it was more than I paid for my fucking car.

Taxes don't normally piss me off.

So, I think it's something else. I have no idea what it is - 'cause I'm usually in a good mood. I've been faking being in a good mood all day, except for with poor neo who chose this morning to say stupid stuff to me. I was kinda rough on him - and I'm not even sorry. I was, too. I think I called him a goddamned idiot and repeatedly told him not to be dumb.

But, I was in a pissy mood even before that. I woke up early and busted my ass through my PT being pissy the entire time.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or something.

zyklon_b ago

neogoat is a righteous dude and has quickly risen to one of the few peoples i consider a real life friend as i do u n @whiteronin.

take some powder or some more pills..

im high as a.motherfucker bro and u should be too. we earned it

TheBuddha ago

I'm high enough.

I'm going for a drive. I'm going to drive very, very fast. I'll burn off some steam that way. I'll be back later.

theoldguy ago

I'm high enough.


I'm going for a drive.

Ohhhhh, nooooo! -- Mr. Bill

TheBuddha ago

LOL It's just opiates. I was high enough - meaning still good to drive. 'Snot like I'm gonna go out nodding behind the wheel. Do you know what I drive? That'd fucking kill somebody - and probably not me!

zyklon_b ago

later brother

TheBuddha ago

Ayuh. It was a good release. I needed that.