gabara ago

I like @stonetoss. Why we being mean to him? Is it just the usual hazing?

heygeorge ago

I very clearly stated that I don’t dislike @stonetoss, just some ribbing. And it’s worth pointing out: If no one explains the local culture, then how is he to begin to get it? It’s not like James Woods or Ben Garrison toss their name around here.

gabara ago

And a member of The New Day from WWE. I'm guessing Big E Langstong

heygeorge ago


C_Corax ago

He made the usual "I have arrived!" entrance which results in the usual reaction. I like him too though. Maybe we should mod him? I think that might piss someone off..


It's fine if he can endure the typical voat welcome and truly values free speech. Some of the shit he draws is good for illustrating red pill ideas for the type of normies who need things dumbed down for them.

Mumbleberry ago

Evidently he can't. Why else delete the request?


He got added as a mod so I guess he felt like he didnt need it anymore

C_Corax ago

Cynabuns loves guys that only post stuff from their own website too!

Mumbleberry ago

Deleted his request to mod v/stonetoss , couldn't handle getting called a faggot for begging for ccp. .

heygeorge ago

He who is without sin indeed!