drstrangegov ago

i'm always on the lookout for bad guys. because i'll tell you a secret. I am batman (not the superhero, i'm an IT guy from india named batman)

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

This is especially funny as you're both alts of the freshly updated @gabara bot

friendshipistragic ago

It is

gabara ago

@drstrangegov needs Jesus

drstrangegov ago

@drstrangegov has jesus. I just read somewhere that you're a bot. that would make me sad, because you're awesome. and as the batman, I am obligated to fight killer robots. so i'm torn.

gabara ago

I'm not a bot. I'm just prolithic

heygeorge ago

@drstrangegov needs a gardener? Or is his carpenter fucking up?

drstrangegov ago

dude.…..you don't know the half of it. the darned carpenter left the back door open and my little fat-fat got out. this is a problem, because he is an indoor cat. so mrs. strangegov and I were out crawling underneath the house in the middle of the night. but I gave him a bath and now everybodys good. damned carpenters, first they tear my house into pieces, and then they get my little kitty all dirty. https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197621.jpg https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/e65972dce6/197619.jpg

heygeorge ago

It’s coming along nicely! Although we generally don’t put down flooring until as late in the game as possible... But sometimes you just gotta get it done.

Did your pussy get stinky? Or just dirty?

drstrangegov ago

That naughty little shit went down an actual rabbit hole down under the foundation. He's a midget , his little meow sounds like Verne trousers. He meowed all night.

heygeorge ago

How did you finally coax him out? Treats?

drstrangegov ago

I made him an escape route and he came to the sound of his food bag rustling.

gabara ago
