zyklon_b ago

where u

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Someone's Benned Butt Hert

totes_magotes ago

And that's how you know SBBH is doing its job. Think of it like an immune response. You get all feverish and a twisted feeling in your stomach before you puke and the medicine always tastes bad.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Weird, that's what I do right before making a new SBBH post

SeanBox ago

the QRV crew has no idea who the fuck we are. it's fucking sanegoat.

SayNOtothedress ago

What's a sanegoat?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Room full of low wage pajeets paid by Shareblue, who in turn has a contract with JDIF

SeanBox ago

sanegoat…. is "correct the record"...is "shareblue"...is "jidf"...is whatever the fuck entity that has been repeatedly attacking SBBH for the last 3 years. this has nothing to do with Q. This shit has been going on since way before the election. at one point puttitout talked about how it was impossible for 1 person to keep up with those kind of hours shitposting. It was either a really angry autistic guy on meth, or it was a paid entity built to attack this site and it's users.

MadWorld ago

...how it was impossible for 1 person to keep up with those kind of hours shitposting.

I am pretty sure it is quite possible!! Already tested this on the preview site sometime back.

SeanBox ago

no, like they weren't sleeping. it was an all day barrage of attacks flooding the whole site attacking atko, puttitout and SBBH..

MadWorld ago

Are you saying the Sane group were following them, shitposting with submissions and comments? My personal experience has been that I can manage to automate with scripts that can shitpost both submissions and comments 24/7. That plus the use of tors can scale up quickly. But this is assuming Putt does not have the "check your privilege" turned on.

SeanBox ago

that's when we started getting our priveledge checked. Actually, for the longest time we always got our "bits" checked until someone made a post saying it should say "priveledge". Everyone thought it was funny and upvoated so puttitout changed it.

MadWorld ago

Yeah it was one of the best ideas!! Hilarious! Great memories...

SeanBox ago

your delete makes sense. common knowledge to you is someone else's new toy.

WhiteRonin ago

It’s either sane or that guy who keeps harassing @srayzie and saying she’s sBBH.

totes_magotes ago

That's because she was a mod here for a short while.

WhiteRonin ago

Almost everyone has been a mod here ;-)

totes_magotes ago

Kind of like a dive bar where everyone has had a turn...

srayzie ago

Oh I know who it is. YoullRememberMe, ThisIsTotallyNotMe NotHereForPizza. The first 2 are the same person. I believe the 3rd one is too. If not, the same group.

@WhiteRonin @SeanBox

WhiteRonin ago

Good one!

gabara ago

They harras me too. Anyone that speaks out about Israels war crimes gets their attention.

srayzie ago

They accuse me of vote manipulation

gabara ago

They probably vote manipulate then. And they can't do enough down votes to keep up with all the upvoats from goats.

SeanBox ago

same "guy"...sanegoat is a team.

WhiteRonin ago


SeanBox ago

...not joking tho...

WhiteRonin ago

I believe yah!

SeanBox ago


gabara ago

You mean Dial?

SeanBox ago

Same shit

MadWorld ago

Does it work as a submission title?

gabara ago

_ _ \ /

SeanBox ago

Screenshotted... I’ll need that later. I’m the iron fist. Don’t ever doubt me again.

gabara ago

The iron-on fist?