kalchaya ago

Nexium and booze don't mix, so I'll have to pass. A shot glass of Chartreuse, Benedictine, Mead Brandy, or Amaretto di saronno is my daily limit.

ExpertShitposter ago

go on

jokersmild ago


TheBuddha ago


TheBuddha ago

I do appreciate the thoughts, don't get me wrong.

If I listened to all the online advice I get, I'd have like 40 layers of creams on me, ice and heat at the same time, and be taking like 50 different pills sold from online pharmacies based in China.

I've got lidocaine patches, opiates, and real physical therapists. ;-)

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, thanks but I should make you aware that I don't actually take medical advice from people on Voat. I appreciate the thoughts but I'd rather save you the time and effort. I ignore that pretty much completely. I've got actual qualified medical professionals!

C_Corax ago

I nearly solo'd a case of X-Mas ale last night. 27/30 to be exact. I very much needed the remaining 3 this morning to become something that even remotely resembled a human being again. I do like to have a mild buzz going but it is rare that I get really drunk. I've just reminded myself why that is.

It's always interesting to look back at one's posting history after such a night. You'd think you'd find embarrassment, but for the most part it looks just fine. Which means if I can do then so can you.. I now hold you all under suspicion for being drunk 24/7!

ExpertShitposter ago

haha check our friend https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2883788

cant say i havent had the same kind of post hjistory many times

TheBuddha ago


No... I'm pretty fucked up. My recovery will be well over a year and I may never again walk without crutches, a cane, or a walker. In fact, that's more probable than a full recovery. I will likely have significant pain for the rest of my life.

I am well and truly fucked.

Mentally? I'm fine. I will do the work and recover as best as I can. I have the best medical care money can buy. I have whole teams of specialists. I'm not scared of work or pain.

Shit, if I end up needing a cane, I'm going to rock it like a rock star. I am going to make a cane fashionable. I'll get a whole collection of them and add them to my wardrobe. I ain't scared.

This is the price I pay for bad decision making. I got off lightly, actually.

So, I'm squared away mentally. I'm physically fucked. I still need tools to dress myself, but I can finally dress myself.

TheBuddha ago

It's 13% ABV.

The bill is almost as spectacular as the crash was. Insurance will cover all the reasonable costs. My physiatrist, for example, used to work with the US Olympic track team. They'll cover that. I called in a specialist from Boston, so they'll only partially cover that. It's all good. I also have my own disability and catastrophic care insurance, if I need it. I'll be fine, financially.

I don't actually care how high the bill gets. I'm not paying most of it!

TheBuddha ago

I'm doing blueberry wine again. There was an open bottle still. I can't let that happen!

ExpertShitposter ago

blueberry wine again.

good werk

TheBuddha ago

I do my best!!