heygeorge ago

It could just as easily be a copy-pasta’er. And suddenly (not to me, tho) the commenting was relevant and Voat meta.


You Q people and that word you use for each other..... patriot.

Do you know what a patriot is?

a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

In other words a modern day terrorist as classified by MSM pretty much. Now I get what you want it to mean, but I see how it can and will be twisted assuming a large enough number of you try to assemble as is protected in the Constitution.

What I am is an American.....nothing more and nothing less. That is unquestionable and unable to be attacked. It is why I choose that as my identity. I don't side with a political party and I won't with a president.

Mainly because the president is a fucking idiot. Admit it this guy couldn't for a sentence if Twitter didn't punctuate it for him, or at least cut him off at some point.

Listening to him talk is about as enjoyable as hearing the niggers next door making more niggers. Just the worse.

Now I will admit I voted for him because I had hope, and it wasn't Hillary....now I have seen that he doesn't care. Hillary isn't in jail, and before you say 4d chess or something meme like I don't give a fuck.

That bitch has killed more than 007. She is John Wick with tits and a BlackBerry. We know it and don't need to prove it. She needs to be in jail with all those people that would have voted for her.

Niggers and spics that rape her with whatever impliments are nearest.

But no she is free to fuck over more people and groom her daughter to follow in her footsteps, because that is is plan. We know she intimidated witnesses, there is proof.

Then you have a president that has played more golf in his first year than tiger woods in a season. Lol.

Shit is rigged because I can promise you if it would have been Sanders Trump would have lost. The powers that be needed Trump to win to keep it business as usual.

He guted every single agency that ever gave him problems while he was not president save the IRS. Look you have subscribed to your magazine and drank the koolaide I know so likely you won't get any of what I am saying.

I wish you the best.

heygeorge ago

*form; implements; gutted; koolaid

Are you a robot? Y/N


I did. There is a link

heygeorge ago

Oh, thank you! Should we see you about that rash next week then, patriot?


Get the fuzz on you then.

The people on this site are not above it so looking out for you.

heygeorge ago

Get the fuzz on you then.

Oh, it’s probably just some cat hair. I wouldn’t be alarmed.


Better before the edit.

Lol you skeerd of them? Trust me it ain't so bad when they come. ATF was nice to me. Interviewed my neighbors and made sure the claim made was bullshit.

Then they left.

However I did help them with something and in turn they helped me get my class 3

heygeorge ago

What edit? Class 3 what?

TheBuddha ago

Huh... I kinda want to play with it.

heygeorge ago

Hmmm well, it’s just a person doing copypastas. See here: https://voat.co/v/TheGreatOutDoors/2878363

Probably some Q feggit or sane group Voat keyboard warrior acting like they are collecting ‘intel’ or whatever they pretend to do.

TheBuddha ago

Ah... That actually, and bizarrely, makes more sense than it being a bot.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, on Voat it really does. By the by, not so much now, but what had you awake so early?

TheBuddha ago

Pain, mostly. So, I did today's guitars practice and some other stuff.

heygeorge ago

Oh, fun. At least you turned apples into appleade

TheBuddha ago

I gotta get my hours in. That guitar won't practice itself.

heygeorge ago

No, the guitar does not practice itself. I dusted off* my acoustic to play my arrangement of Barracuda and not only forgot how some of it went but was not doing well on fingering the harmonized riffs.

*No fear, it’s just a figure of speech. Of course the guitar was in its case.

TheBuddha ago

Drink six beers and then pick your guitar back up and play it for at least an hour.

Trust me.

heygeorge ago

Ha! I don’t disagree.

TheBuddha ago

Much will return to you with some speed, actually. Your muscles remember.

heygeorge ago

Oh, my muscles know a lot more music than my mind does! The biggest problem is starting to think about it while playing.

TheBuddha ago

That's why you drink the beer first.

heygeorge ago

If it’s not out of comments, it’s going to be very soon.

TheBuddha ago

I wonder what the benefit is?


No reason to downvote your disability to read a post all the way in it's entirety.