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C_Corax ago

I'm switching theme daily. The one I had the most fun with was playing the gullible Q follower that needed to have everything explained. They just can't help themselves from showing their superior knowledge! The devil worshiping 11:11 yesterday was me. It was a bit low effort if I'm honest.. I got a good one coming up though, but I'm out of posts for today.

Pretty sure we're half the board by now.

anamazonslittle ago

I know, feels like my local Klan rally where I know 2/3 of the people are C_A/No Such Agency or whatever but you're not sure who's what.

Zyke almost gave himself away with a 1990 signature but got rid off it in the last second.

It's a real train murder mystery, tons of fun.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, hell no. My imagination is great. I can come up with new games!