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TurdLord5000 ago

@zyklonb added the part about WWG1WGA. He said he's sorry.

totes_magotes ago

Hey, y'all... #MeDeuce

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I think it's time we upgrade to R Anon, though the S and T Anons have more promising AI prototypes

gabara ago

I'll keep G Anon going so that SOME actual real info gets out.

SeanBox ago

Dude, we came so far. Don’t ruin it now by telling everyone.

heygeorge ago

Trust the plan.

gabara ago

Are we being big enough assholes? I saw this and now I'm questioning my life

heygeorge ago

Are we being big enough assholes?

Is that possible? Can sbbh ever reach maximum asshole?

gabara ago

What crazy thing show I do next?

heygeorge ago

Will contact you on the secure comms

bluebeardsghost ago

An asshole so big it falls into itself?

heygeorge ago

That may be in humanity’s best interest.

bluebeardsghost ago

Like a black hole with gravity so intense only shitposters can escape.

gabara ago

The Shadow Knows!