PuttItOut ago

Not bad. Nice message. +1 for eyelid tats.

PuttItOut ago

Well I know my next hair style now.

PuttItOut ago

You're the best

ExpertShitposter ago

putt understnads out power and our needs and our importantse

so don't worry boutt putt. he knows.

ExpertShitposter ago

you don't shut themn down.

you make them think

if the can, they stay

if they cantr......they deserved to die.

ExpertShitposter ago

@puttitout made a terrible mistake letting the q-tards stay every day i learn more of their retardaation and the jew infiltration among them

@puttitout i have determined, dont buy pelinkovac or jegermeister, vodka is best

@puttitout ban any person abouve 55 years age from posting, thuir brain is expired

@puttitout you stil havint fixed the audio for webms.....just sayin, just sayin

@puttitout here is a song 4 u:


ExpertShitposter ago

I say thins with 100% certainty:::::::::


SearchVoatBot ago

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ExpertShitposter ago

qrv a shit

like boomers

been shitposting in it for days with zyklon

they get so mad its hilarious!

ExpertShitposter ago

drop it like its hot.

cuz it is.

ExpertShitposter ago

anihilate v/qrv is what i wish for

ExpertShitposter ago

du it

ExpertShitposter ago

every thing @heygeorge says isnt a shit post

thats the problem


ExpertShitposter ago

what is the mission?

destroy q-mers?

ExpertShitposter ago

but jhas he been shitposting?