Ain't that the fucking truth (
submitted 6.4 years ago by KatHarzso?
middle_path 6.4 years ago
I agree, but not doing is always worse. Sitting around and being catered to makes us weak. So we do things we don't like so we can be strong and successful.
AinzOown 6.4 years ago
Meh, sometimes getting aggravated prompts me to fucking action and fixes or removes whatever has been aggravating me.
Also I've been pretty good at removing vile tasks from my life and doing shit I do like instead.
KoalasRplushies 6.4 years ago
If this creatures eyes were any closer together it would be a cyclops.
SirDigbyChikenCaesar 6.4 years ago
Hung mutherfuken Die, Woo.
My-Name-is-Mud 6.4 years ago
middle_path ago
I agree, but not doing is always worse. Sitting around and being catered to makes us weak. So we do things we don't like so we can be strong and successful.
AinzOown ago
Meh, sometimes getting aggravated prompts me to fucking action and fixes or removes whatever has been aggravating me.
Also I've been pretty good at removing vile tasks from my life and doing shit I do like instead.
KoalasRplushies ago
If this creatures eyes were any closer together it would be a cyclops.
SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago
Hung mutherfuken Die, Woo.
My-Name-is-Mud ago