NoBS ago

As long as it's legal to shoot the pedophile stupid enough to groom children for exploitation, I say make it so.

Edit. make it a stand your ground law, for the good of all society.

greycloud ago

i am cool with you protecting your kids, or helping someone else protect their kids. i draw the fucking line at a kid who wants to do what they are doing who has parents who are cool with it. if you are trying to push your shit onto them than YOU are the fucking bad guy.

NoBS ago

A parent, under my simple moral definition can not include feral humans who have imprisoned a child. Whether birth or purchased, they are not civilized enough to be called human.

greycloud ago

you are the feral human. don't have kids.

NoBS ago

Triggered Snowflakes are a civic duty. You may thank me now.

Of course you will have to remove your mouth from the Kool Aid cup first. Good luck.

gabara ago

I'm just talking about boners here.