SkillYourself ago

im gay

dynamiteVacancy ago

My friend Adolf's pretty innocent, last I checked.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I'm innocent of not having alts or farming. Now for spamming and shit posting yea hang me up.

Mick ago

On the list now

breakingpoint ago

Don't leave me behind! Stop the short bus!!!

Mick ago

Picked up and added to the list

Mick ago

Sure you are, but added to the list.

wolflink009 ago

Innocent of what? I'm a naughty boy ;0

Mick ago

Added to the list because SBBH OG

Mick ago

If they're not banned from there, they're probably terrorists.

Tipman79 ago

I'm guilty!!!

Am I doing it right?

Mick ago

Listed on the list.

betadynamique ago

Of course I'm innocent. There's no such thing as guilt, only degrees of innocence.

Mick ago

on the list

are-u-me ago

Fuck being "innocent". There's a war on, chaps.

Mick ago

Missed this ping, added to the list.

who-am-i ago

If only I could remember who i was. I'm sure I could prove my innocence!

Mick ago

added to the list

jobes ago


Mick ago

added to the list as sdbh scum :D

Klaxon ago

Is this the line for the circle jerk?

Mick ago

adding you to the jerkylist.

heygeorge ago

Hmmm... I don't see your name on the list. Surely that means death.

Also, I'm not sure you were benned from TiL, which some guy named Kev is all up about.

Mick ago

I did and approved. Gerrador is back because he fixes my CSS disasters :)

Mick ago

Sure, sure. Listed.

heygeorge ago

As presumed adults, we are presumed to have 'lost our innocence'. That being said, I am clearly innocent.

Mick ago

On the list now.

heygeorge ago

I haven't noticed the sdbh assclowns signing up for the list. Those muthafuckas be shady.

ExpertShitposter ago

I am innocent of crimes! I have no alts.

As for the downvoating you have any proofs? No? Well i guess i am innocent then.

Mick ago

Placing you on several lists.

Failure ago

im not innocent but im a fuzzy alt. wat do

SaneGoatFaggot ago

I am innocent

You are all faggots

Mick ago

Clearly. Added to the list.

SaneGoatFaggot ago

Thank you, I repudiate all claims against me.

Mick ago

Adding you to the list.

VouvrayCabernet ago

im innocent i swear i mean i stole a peace of candy when i was nine but

Mick ago

I'll take your word for it. added to the List of the Innocents.

Rotteuxx ago

I dindu nuffin' man !

Mick ago

Added to the list of people who pretend they dindu nuffin.

Rotteuxx ago

Shit nigger, I'm tellin' y'all I'm inucent. Dis iz fuckin' profyling man !

dynamiteVacancy ago

Innocent of what exactly? I'm sure there are things I'm innocent of.

Mick ago

Added to the list in case you're innocent.

fujin ago

I'm innocent, I swear. I dindu nuffin wrong. I'm a good boy, I got straight A's in school.

Mick ago

Added to the list of the innocents.

SeanBox ago

Haven't bought dirt since high school... Can't give a real answer

ShittyAdvice ago

I dindu nuffIn!

Mick ago

Added you to the list of people who like to be on lists.

turtlesarepureevil ago

> thinking this list makes you immortal.

DO NOT add meh.

Mick ago

Added, deadded, readded, demodded, remodded, relocated.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Too many deds i died

Mick ago

Sending a reaper drone your way to confirm.

turtlesarepureevil ago

There's really no need. I don't even have a pulse anymore.

Mick ago

i am me

SeanBox ago

I knew it

Mick ago

i am you too

SeanBox ago

I'm trying to quit...being me

Mick ago

that seems suspicious. i will investigate

SeanBox ago

Idk, they getting shipped back to Mexico...

ilikeskittles ago

It wasn't me, I'm innocent.

Mick ago

I suspected.

SeanBox ago the same damn time.

watch_listed ago

As a dishonored former mod of SBBH, I feel I am wholly innocent of whatever it is I stand accused of.

Mick ago

Adding to list, remodding.

watch_listed ago

Excellent. I shall ban ten motherfuckers in celebration this evening.

Fuck it, too drunk to sort out who's actually bannable here, tonight.

Mick ago

Ah well, it's the thought that counts :)

SeanBox ago

U should mod me... I go hard in the paint

Mick ago

Added to the list and sent you some pants.

SeanBox ago

Day of the white pants is near...


SeanBox ago

I heard he didn't do it

Mick ago

Adding all your zyklon accounts to the list

Mick ago

Will add her to the list.

SeanBox ago

I didn't do it... @SaneGoatiSwear is @hecho ... Is @greycloud

Mick ago

Greycloud doesn't seem retarded enough to be Goat but maybe he's hech.

SeanBox ago

It's the same person... Tell everybody you know.