heygeorge ago

Whoops, yeah, I'm reading it now! Give me a few.

heygeorge ago

Wait, is there a new post discussions the changes that I missed?

heygeorge ago

Whew, that was a close one. Ok, back to singlehandedly botting Sane down into the negatives.

heygeorge ago

Uh-oh... I spoke about the secret cabal downvoat bot net! DON'T LEAD HIM HERE.

heygeorge ago

My secret downvoat cabal bot net seems to still be working @Mick! I think we have a chance.

Mick ago

Don't let putts find you in here.

Mick ago

Lol I wonder when the Great Purge will begin

Mick ago

He's gone to plan B I think.

kemiri ago

You bans yourself?

Mick ago

I would if I could.