smokratez ago

You are a homo

smokenofire ago

What beer did you buy with your welfare check? Or more like tequila?

ExpertShitposter ago

No, i just raided people with him.

ExpertShitposter ago

You must do troll things, for example, buy 100 piggibanks like this.

Put some scrap metal in each to make them sound full, then fill them with zyklon-b gas and seal them. Plant them around Jewish neighborhoods in public.

The greedy Jew takes one and runs home to smash it with a hammer to get to the free shekels. Profit! (for us)

ExpertShitposter ago

Later, he's gonna say that he was only doing that to prove a point about how mod abuse can hurt voat, and we therefore need to implement all of his desired changes to save it.

I still want to believe that @SaneGoatiSwear is some kind of hardcore version of a troll, but its starting to look like hi is @she

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nice shitpost.

if you'rebeing serious you're dead wrong.

got banned from a subfor pointing out reddit cancer mod selective comment deleting

pointed it out in pv.

triggered all the shills to attack at once

20 hours of shilling massive law breaking postsand hundreds of disinfo comments and a dozencharacter assassination posts all entirely unsourced. and 1200 dv brigade.

oh don't forget the bait posts in v/til (including one of the ops bait posting posted a public apology for lying and shitpost/baiting v/til - - after the fact))

fucking i got over a thousand notches on my fee-fee destroyed belt today

one of my favorite days on voat!

not a troll

a regular goat who doesn't shut up when censors censor.

hardcore troll

wrote and got regularly published voat's warrant canary

yeah well would a troll reallly do that?!

inb4 "u did the canary as a false front for being most epic troll" all my lawls if that crossed yar mind.

ExpertShitposter ago

hardcore troll

wrote and got regularly published voat's warrant canary

Why wouldn't a troll do that? An advanced trolls goal is not to destroy voat, but to make it his playground. Because playgrounds are boring if there are no kids in it. Figuratively but also literally (just ask pizzagate.)

Beside, you are an insane goat, i swear, rules of logic an psychology do not apply to you the way they do to others!

Rotteuxx ago

Oh of course not !

But when people feel like digging, I like to offer my shovel.

Mick ago

Looked at modlog, was amused for quite a few minutes.

heygeorge ago

Heh, I also amused myself a bit by deleting a sane comment & submission here, then levying an approx. 3 minute ben.

Rotteuxx ago

So that's what happened to the deleted reply in my inbox !

Good work bud

heygeorge ago

Oh, lol, that could have been me. (If it said deleted by moderator.) It could have been Sane, too. He likes to delete his own stuff a lot, especially when it makes him look bad.

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, whichever it is I'm just enjoying all the entertainment !

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am not my janitor job

SaneGoatiSwear ago

21 day low-effort account participating in massive disinformation character assassination campaign against me. confirmed.

Rotteuxx ago

No need to try and discredit @LiterallyTheWorst , you've proven his point yourself in this thread :

Especially with this self-righteous comment :

Even when I called you out on it you simply replied with nonsense & babling. So if trying to discredit Voaters who oppose you & rambling nonsense is your A game right now, @LiterallyTheWorst is right, you should go sit down & get it together.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

rot, the explosion in TN was not as big as the other one. title was not factual. op was told to resubmit with correct post title.

it was found op was reading the source wrong (thought 1.5 million m80s and m100s having been delivered over the course of a year was 1.5 million m80s and m100s in the barn at the time of explosion.)

you are literally shilling.

possible shill detected.

Rotteuxx ago

There you go again with trying to discredit a dissenting voice, change tactics. This is a very low level technique, clearly being used by an amateur who doesn't know how to apply it effectively.

I've never argued against your opposition to the posts sources. I've opposed your attitude & methods in dealing with it.

Seriously, get a grip on things.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

silencing someone

defending against baseless allegations

pick one.

multiple known disinformation tactics

shill confirmed conversation terminated

Rotteuxx ago

No, I'd prefer a mature & intelligent response, please try again.