Nanoonanoo ago

Lost all my slimg stuff, cannot upload anything without it failing pile of poo, ant alternatives?

voatersRimpotent ago

And there goes most of the images on voat.


How long before voat itself goes down.

Laughing my ass off.

This site is a joke.

You got duped moron.


its_all_mythology_k ago

Does anyone have an alternative link to the picture that has alot of collective information on pizzagate?

It was this link:

I was redpilling a lot of people in my family showing them this. I need it to continue redpilling more potential pedes.

wh0care ago

i still can access the home page ( ) i'am from europe...but not any images pages..

TVPC ago

Anyone have that pic of 'Trump' oops Clinton? Is that why it went down? Can someone upload it elsewhere and relink?

ot_to_know ago

Didn't realize how much I used that site browsing Voat.

Cynabuns ago


I hope not too :(

turtlesarepureevil ago

I make good sex with @technician90 comrade.

Cynabuns ago

Starting a new master list of image hosting sites,

turtlesarepureevil ago

Wan me yo enail them 50X you say?

ot_to_know ago

What exactly does that smell like?

Cynabuns ago

I was able to retrieve their contact info and have emailed them, no reply yet tho... let's hope that they didn't just quit :(

BB-3 ago

What's the one @derram uses for the archives?

Voopin__Voopin ago

but its much lag, very not wow. He apparently stated he uses it because it works with his bot, not necessarily because its a good/secure/fast site.

Helios-Apollo ago

What information did it have on the Clintons?!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Not working for me...

blind-science ago

Down for everyone or just me shows it as up.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The front page works, but the images in my folder don't load.

Rotteuxx ago

Thank you dear !

Helios-Apollo ago

Grandmother, who taught you how to use the Internet?

Rotteuxx ago


lbruiser ago

Down for me too.

Rotteuxx ago

I just tried it, uploads fail also.

You know any other Voat approved hosting sites ? I ain't uploading shit to imgur...

MaximilianKohler ago

Why? I forgot what they did. They just remove things they don't like?

Rotteuxx ago

Afaik, subjective censorship severely negligent animal owners... did you see how fat their poor dog is ?!?!

Men13 ago

They're regular domain also works in http.

Apathy ago

It's the fucking Russians!

wesofx ago

Alert the CIA

Faustian ago

Down for me as well.

damnittohell ago

Same here.