vastrightwing ago

Not really, the hall of cost is sad fishing. It's worth billions of dollars. The more jews they claim were killed, the more they make. There are more survivors every day.

GutterTrash ago

If it did not happen then they have no power. They seek anything that gives them victim points and that event is their Superbowl of victim points

outrider787 ago

only a fucking idiot retard would believe the Holocaust didn't happen

CrudOMatic ago

  • Shoes and hair aren't evidence. You have no bodies, no ashes
  • No paper trail or code chatter over the radio
  • Wooden "gas chamber" (read: shower) doors (you need a hermetically-sealed environment for a gas chamber to work, let alone keep it from gassing everyone outside)
  • The wooden "gas chamber" doors had locks ON THE INSIDE, not the outside
  • ALL but one of the supposed death camps were "found" in Soviet-controlled territory (conveniently EVERY camp in Soviet controlled territory was a death camp - I mean, why would bolsheviks lie?)
  • The supposed gas chambers worked completely differently depending on which side they were on - the Soviet side had holes in the roof of shower chambers where Zyklon pellets were supposedly dropped in. The SINGLE American death camp "had" a hybrid shower/gas dispenser system that DIDN'T WORK AS EITHER A SHOWER OR A GAS DISPENSER
  • A glut of people who were not only transferred between "death camps" (WTF? they came to DIE) but also supposedly survived being gassed 6 times or more
  • People who escaped the "death camps" ONLY TO BE BROUGHT BACK, INSTEAD OF SHOT
  • Russian-edited photographs, taken from German newspapers and magazines that were edited to show Germans raping and killing nude women and other jews, that were disseminated amongst the Russians as state propaganda to get them to see Germans as inhuman monsters not worthy of life (which were disproven, but kikes still try to trot them out to this day as evidence)

Not to mention that 99% of the claims of execution brought up in the Nuremburg trials are more ridiculous than the last (and were dismissed):

  • Electrified floors that vaporized people (conveniently there would be no bodies or ash - also physically impossible, especially in wartime Germany)
  • Anal gassing machines
  • Pedal-driven brain bashing machines
  • Bone-meal grinding machines to dispose of bodies (and feed bonemeal to the jews (which is doubly strange - WHY would you feed people at a death camp? You came to die. Feeding them is the most inefficient thing you could do)
  • Masturbation machines that masturbated their victims to death (or almost death as there are "survivors" of those machines, even though they never existed)
  • Lampshades and soap libel (which was later disproven)
  • Muh eagle, muh bear (ridiculous phantasmagorical story about jews, one by one, being thrown into a cage for a single bear to maul to death and a single eagle to pick their bones clean. Apparently thousands were executed this way by a bear & eagle using teamwork, and never getting full, apparently)
  • The Holocoaster (a supposed network of minecar rails and tunnels between the camps where jews were loaded into minecars and supposedly dumped into massive furnaces). No evidence was found of this either Why would a country being besieged from all sides during a war, with limited resources, waste all this time and resources supposedly executing people in the most time-consuming, grandiose and ridiculous ways imaginable? Why not shoot them as bullets were cheap and plentiful? Why not stick them in an open field with no shelter, surrounded by barbed-wire filled trenches and snipers in tower, and leave them to starve to death (as was practice in the 1800's)? Do you expect anyone to believe that 6 million jews (and 4 million other groups) were killed in these ways in such a short period of time?

If you don't at least ask questions, you're fucking retarded. There are shit tons of examples of jews trotting out bullshit stories that never happened in these LABOR camps.

LostandFound ago

How many nukes does Israel currently have?

ForgottenMemes ago

There's 3 ways to respond to information like this. The way you respond reveals much about you.

  1. Cautious investigation. This is your normal response. If I tell you have a cousin who just died and left you $1 million. You should not immediately accept that information, but demand evidence then decide if that evidence is compelling. You are an honest, intelligent person.

  2. Blind acceptance or rejection. This indicates that you want to believe one way the other. You will believe what you want to believe and the evidence is not of interest to you. This is a common, arguably normal, reaction. You aren't necessarily a bad person, just not particularly honest and probably very intellectually lazy.

  3. Anger and hostility. This indicates you know the initial information is a lie, but you've been parroting that lie for personal gain. You are an evil shit who's willing to participate in a hoax. If you try to discredit "new" information before hearing it you know that information will prove you're lying, because you've already investigated it.

Sebastian Gorka, Ben Shapiro, Susan Wojiki, Deborah Lipstadt, etc. These people are all holocaust deniers. They all know it's fake. That's why they viciously attack anyone who tries to present evidence. They already know this evidence is compelling and true.

A6-EGO ago

It is about so much more than the holohoax though. Accepting that it did not happen also means accepting that the government, media, schools, your parents, friends, coworkers all lied to you and were part of a lie. That is a fucking massive pill to swallow. I used to be a believer. Thank god I had a good friend who confronted me, calmly, with interesting observations and straight up simple math that I could not refute. Sure at the time I thought he was full of shit but the thought lingered in my head and piece by piece I realized that no part of the official story makes any sense.



That would be like if someone told you "The White Replacement" wasn't actually happening and you should be happy they're telling you that.

Nobody wants to be told their views are incorrect.

Niggardly_Jew ago

I would be happy if white replacement *weren't happening. But saying it doesn't make it so.


Exactly. Same shit when you tell NPCs that Holocaust never happened.

Reapreap ago

shadilay, you glorious bastard.

goatsandbros ago

Jews will never be happy.

Chimaeric ago

Their instant reaction is, "Oh but you think it should have happened, don't you?"

I mean just because I do, that's a completely irrelevant point. The holohoax didn't happen, regardless of the fact that it would be far better had it actually occurred.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey it happened!! I was shoad 6 gorillion times. Once I escaped and wolves took me to their cave where they raised me and now I howl at the moon. Shaloms™✡️💎

enormousatom ago

Tell the one where they made you into a lamp shade.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey Uncle Adolph said he needed more light in his study and he said that I was lit so he turned me into a lampshade and I stood in his corner for years. Shaloms™✡️💎

475677 ago

Oy fucking vey, I was the lampshade. Ucle Adolf needed a light but German engineering was too powerful so he needed to block some of the light being produced in his study so during the day he'd make me put one finger on it, in the evening two, at night three and in the hours before master would go to sleep he'd make me get between him and the light and then press my body into it to block the majority of the light. That nazi burned me every day just so he could sleep better and then he threw me in the oven when I no longer screamed from the pain. Thankfully I caught a 24 hour cold as I was about to be put into the oven and transferred to another death camp where I lived for another 3 years.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Can you tell me the one about the masturbation machines? I always enjoy that one.

Jimmycog ago

Not if it is a money grab, gibs me the wrld.

SithEmpire ago

Such is the power of denial when acceptance would also imply questioning oneself like a past tense version of the Mitchell and Webb sketch -- "Were we the baddies?"

out-o-sight ago

Exactly. There's a hundred different implications that apply if the Holocaust is a hoax.

Jews don't like any of those knock-on effects.

smokratez ago

It was real in their mind. You are telling them they lied to themselves. That's what makes it hard for them to give up. All the Schindler's list movies like drama. They have killed hundreds of nazis in their mind for what they did to those poor jews. To them jews are like Seinfeild. Funny, nice guys that cause no trouble. It's too much brainwashing to just jump into.

Monkeyballs ago

Very astute.

LostandFound ago

This new goat makes me suspect e.g. / tho he has mentioned the USS liberty ... will he pass the how many nukes test.

Derpfroot ago

It was real in their mind.

I get it! 1:35

JustFuckingDoIt ago

"Holocaust Scholars"

tally-ho ago

Wow, thanks for that.

jewsbadnews ago

It's the best argument against der normies.

grandmacaesar ago

I know, right? If someone told me six million of my race got nekkid and willingly allowed themselves to be crammed into a gas chamber without putting up a fight, I'd be ashamed and angry. I'd say, "Fuck that shit," and would spend the rest of my days proving it to be untrue.