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Crensch ago

I wish I was a mod on v/whatever so I could perm ban that little prick.


Reverse-Flash ago

Oh look, top kike rolled in.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm glad you guys are shitting on him this much, but what's the deal with you holding an essentially permanent spot on the front page? The new @tendiesonfloor?

Reverse-Flash ago

This is what happens when no new accounts can be made, I guess. You mad?

NotHereForPizza ago

and then I just admitted that I'm using a refreshed alt to maintain a proper cultivation of the front page to my team's likeness.

And you faggots wonder why people keep leaving.

@PeaceSeeker so you just don't care that people do this now? Shouldn't this be more obvious to you?

Reverse-Flash ago

People keep leaving because faggots like you, crensch and mccarthy. You are now officially on the blocked list with the rest of your buddies.

NotHereForPizza ago

None of them are "my buddies".

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Apparently we should be limited on what sort of whatever we post.

Crensch ago

Indeed. Almost like a double standard of the Jews, or something!

Free speech and all, but wasnt communism banned and its adherents considered traitors in the nation most know for "free speech"?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Makes me wonder about the Hollywood black lists.

If Jews have always controlled Hollywood, and if communism is political Judaism, how did Hollywood blacklists come about?

NotHereForPizza ago

Remember guys, libido dominandi is free speech.