TheBuddha ago

You know, on second thought, I am gonna giggle if the goats start clamoring for censorship in v/Whatever.

SandHog ago

This whole thread is pretty fucking funny.

TheBuddha ago

The site has changed over the years.

SandHog ago

Most things do; for better or worse. It's pretty much the only constant in life.

TheBuddha ago

So it seems.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Reverse-Flash is a glownigger confirmed.

Reverse-Flash ago

You're the only jew in this conversation. Blocked. Talk to the wall, girlyman.

fluhthreeex ago

but you kind of are tho right? so israel and nukes. how many of theirs could u fit in your crack pipe?

auto_turret ago

Only losers consume porn. Yeah, get mad, losers.

TheBuddha ago


Are you saying you don't like tits and ass?

Reverse-Flash ago

I love tits and ass, I just hate the losers who post that shit in subs they don't belong in. I also enjoy reading the whiny posts from faggots who constantly accuse people of having a treasure trove of alts (not really, I just love blocking them). Free speech? Yes. Do I have to read it? No.

TheBuddha ago

You don't even really care. You just wanna bitch and stroke up some amusing drama. You're not fooling me.

Hmm... You could try listening to this song. It has no bearing on the subject, it's just awesome and Axl Rose tries to rap in it. Sorta.

It's awesome. Trust me.

Reverse-Flash ago

That song sucked. This one's better.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

v/whatever is for whatever.

What a dumb thing to whine about.

Hugo_Mungus ago

Have you seen the state of 4chan's 'whatever' board?? It's 30% tranny porn just for starters. You let that shit in and it stays forever

clamhurt_legbeard ago

U mad bro?

Camulos ago

Joe is a huge faggot.

fluhthreeex ago

yea but who cares. did xe not tag NSFW? where they nagger NSFWs?

Crensch ago

I wish I was a mod on v/whatever so I could perm ban that little prick.


Reverse-Flash ago

Oh look, top kike rolled in.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm glad you guys are shitting on him this much, but what's the deal with you holding an essentially permanent spot on the front page? The new @tendiesonfloor?

Reverse-Flash ago

This is what happens when no new accounts can be made, I guess. You mad?

NotHereForPizza ago

and then I just admitted that I'm using a refreshed alt to maintain a proper cultivation of the front page to my team's likeness.

And you faggots wonder why people keep leaving.

@PeaceSeeker so you just don't care that people do this now? Shouldn't this be more obvious to you?

Reverse-Flash ago

People keep leaving because faggots like you, crensch and mccarthy. You are now officially on the blocked list with the rest of your buddies.

NotHereForPizza ago

None of them are "my buddies".

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Apparently we should be limited on what sort of whatever we post.

Crensch ago

Indeed. Almost like a double standard of the Jews, or something!

Free speech and all, but wasnt communism banned and its adherents considered traitors in the nation most know for "free speech"?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Makes me wonder about the Hollywood black lists.

If Jews have always controlled Hollywood, and if communism is political Judaism, how did Hollywood blacklists come about?

NotHereForPizza ago

Remember guys, libido dominandi is free speech.

RebelJohnny ago

It’s a Jew. Are you really surprised?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I agree. The boy is a jew through and through.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

I suspect the McCarthy account has been sold.

NotHereForPizza ago

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

I know of them but not that intimately

Chiefpacman ago

@nothereforpizza is a butthurt faggot. Didn't know I got this much under his skin lol.

NotHereForPizza ago

Meh I'm more or less just checking. Still suspicious, though.

Chiefpacman ago

At least have some follow through on your warrantless accusations

NotHereForPizza ago

Calm you ego, child.

Chiefpacman ago

Your confusing ego with having a spine, jewboy

NotHereForPizza ago

You just look dented and confused.

Chiefpacman ago

Describing your childhood

NotHereForPizza ago

Quit being so frail

Rellik88 ago

After he was banned, and then reinstated he has been different. I have called him out on it numerous times. Also he made crackrocknigger a mod on his sub. Well that was until crackrock deleted his account.

Strontium_Dawg ago

Crackrocknigger deleted his acct?

TheBuddha ago

You're probably one of his alts.

Strontium_Dawg ago

I wish. That guy has a love for Hitler I cannot hold a candle to.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

I wish I knew how to utilize searchvoat to look at his submission history

Roughpatch ago

Maybe voat has a few spy's trying to get voat shut down.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, what better way to shut down Voat than to post stuff from Sports Illustrated?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't even like you and I still find this complaint stupid.

v/whatever is for whatever. I bet you're even tagging it as nsfw.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, I did. Even the gif from the SI Swimsuit issue that sparked this nimrod of a thread.

fluhthreeex ago

sweet. where's the link?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Here was the Sports Illustrated thread - if you mean that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Whiners gonna whine.

gabara ago


Gopherurself ago

Oh this. I'm down for banning DISQUSTING material, looks like me and gaybear can agree.

Did crackrocknigga really ban a ton of people?

Inaminit ago

@Gopherurself is a HUGE HUGE faggot.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're seriously going to pretend they aren't all three giant faggots? (gabara included)

Gopherurself ago

Yeah and apparently he didn't ban anyone you fat fuckin jelly fish pussy!

Gopherurself ago

Awww all three Jews and your token alt apporve this message, FUCKING MANLET.

Gopherurself ago

Hahahahahah!! I'm trippinballllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Inaminit ago

See? No TEETH!!!

Gopherurself ago

The bottomless pit