ksjdfkas878345 ago

I've been banned from there for long times, I've also been modded there several times. I'd just as heygeorge to remove it... its what I do


WhiteRonin ago

Shhh! You are ruining Srayzie’s (I’m mean @virge) narrative.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

im certain i found another, but im no rat.... I actually think she has a crush on me.

psssst dont tell Kat i want her to like me again

im one "tough" cookie to troll



InSaneGoatPosse ago

It’s a secret, ssshhh

zyklon_b ago

@katharzso was their in 1990 and you have some explaining to do....

are u sexting with srayzie?

clueless_Normie ago

naw, im not a creep... zero interest anyways.



zyklon_b ago

@hollkost has spread the story that yall sexted dude

@katharzso aint no skank like srayzie dude.

KatHarzso ago

Bruh, quit pinging me into conversations you know I do not want to be in nor do I care to be involved with.

My life is already doing a lot better than it was before. I know why. So - leave the freaks alone, and if you cannot do that at least leave me alone regarding them?

Meow, or something.

zyklon_b ago


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Look what Zyklon is saying @HollaKost

HollaKost ago

He too dumb to spell my name right. Must mean he's a Jew sympathizer!

Prove I said anything like that @zyklon_b! Liar!

WhiteRonin ago


Gothamgirl ago

Wait so now his is liar?


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Wait so now his is liar

What do you meant? He’s ALWAYS been the liar cunt

Gothamgirl ago

Well saying that undermines everything you have tried to say about me fool.🤭😊

HollaKost ago

Wait so now his is liar?

Saying I spread around about sexting and dial, yes that's an absolute lie!

Now eat a box of donuts and cry yourself to sleep since dial isn't allowed to call you anymore you cheating slut!

Gothamgirl ago

Your a liar and nasty whale of a Jew.

When you picked all those slutty names, was holla kost choosen to hint to all johns to holler at you, for the cost or what?

HollaKost ago

I would never in a million years cheat on my husband.

You're right, it only took about a week for you to cheat you filthy fat slut!


InSaneGoatPosse ago

He tries to play mind games with Dial

clueless_Normie ago

lmao show me this bullshit, I cant laugh harder. lmao.... okay... you show where that said that... I will go after her

never said Kat was, NEVER put words in my mouth


InSaneGoatPosse ago

@hollkost has spread the story that yall sexted dude

@katharzso aint no skank like srayzie dude.

You need to stop letting them play with your head


zyklon_b ago

naw dude you look for it yourself. it is there and you are guilty of fallimg for @hollakost seduction?

clueless_Normie ago

already said no, i layed off because the same with virge I thought they were unstable. this whole convo is fucking retarded.

HollaKost ago

Yeah show where I said any of that lying faggot!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

If he did, he wouldn’t be interested in your fat ugly wife and wouldn’t think twice about Kat ever again.

-dial is mine

InSaneGoatPosse ago

@ksjdfkas878345 @jkshdjkf7234

@GothamGirl is jealous of Srayzie bro.


klasdfk48945 ago

its funny because im eating saltine crackers



InSaneGoatPosse ago

I likes me some saltine crackers too


klasdfk48945 ago

sorry you are not getting my asshole fagoot


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Oh sheeeit


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Saltine crackers stands for asshole? Got it. You’re a weird one.


KatHarzso ago

Keep him. I want nothing to do with that drunk cocksucker.

clueless_Normie ago

lol, i never sucked a cock, .....but you had! lol, i couldn't resist that one kat


Gothamgirl ago

She is a jewess fat cow, obviously her own hubby don't want her, otherwise she wouldn't be hooking up with strange men she meet on the internet, sending dirty pics and/ or cams to men on a Pizzagate forum 😆

HollaKost ago

She is a jewess fat cow, obviously her own hubby don't want her, otherwise she wouldn't be hooking up with strange men she meets on the internet

Sounds line you described yourself there fattie! How's dial? Is he still giving you the attention you need after your husband passes out each night?

Gothamgirl ago

Everyone your before not just me.


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Where the fucking pic stupid? Provide evidence.

WhiteRonin ago

Cuckhold .

clueless_Normie ago

are you fucking stupid? maybe I should come after you. I heard you were a flat earther.... lol so maybe you are

DING DING DING vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

sorry that be more you understandable to you.



InSaneGoatPosse ago

You want to go there Dial? You challenging me?

WhiteRonin ago

You lost!

HollaKost ago

maybe I should come after you

I wouldn't want you to make your whale GothamGirl jealous, but, ok.

Gothamgirl ago

Gothamgirl ago

Bitch look in the mirror.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

look stryzie you never been on my radar before because I dont follow the same subs..... Im probably right now the most persecuted person on voat currently.

I've been at this a very long time, I average around 100 comments a day, plus how every many replies.

you will not win against me, im a god damn nuclear bomb.... anything you hit me with I will hit you progressively harder. kevduck know this we been at it for years,

reminder: I've taken on entire subververses before.... and won.... your fag cresnch know this

i already know to punch your buttons, as i analyze you

once again! do NOT fuck with my bros, calm the fuck down. Or i will wage war on you, you do not want this





Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Taken subverses down, hahaha yeh by vote manipulation and you were banned for it. Lmao.

HollaKost ago

i already know to punch your buttons, as i analyze you

Oh silly I know that a bunch of blshkt because you weren't able to detect that I'm not Srayzie! You also appear to believe I'm some other usernames here, but you got that all wrong too.

If these are your excellent skills, I'm not concerned in the slightest.

I do feel bad for you because you have been so persecuted, so if you want to be friends instead of fighting I'm good with that too. I have no problem with you. You're tied in with some scumbags that I am after but it has nothing to do with you.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

again hollakost just stop, you are dealing with with a FUCKING rattle snake right now.

I do feel bad for you because you have been so persecuted, so if you want to be friends instead of fighting I'm good with that too.

this is what I want, but if you come at my bros again.... im going to after you. Its a matter of principle at this time

you dont the level attack I could, just stop please... because you are really not good at it. if it fun for you make it fucking fun. because really you come off as lame... sorry I dont out alts... I know you have one that starts with an A rus

im an very extremely active user on here, just leave my bros alone.... and if you got after any of my select friends ( you know how) i'll have to be force to rip you apart, and trust me... you dont want that okay?

im not a lightweight okay... i cant can go after you like a motherfucker, because im just giving you an option.

its just enough, like i said if fun for both go for it

idk im rambling




here we go


fuck i have to find a good song....

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Rambling like a drunkard

HollaKost ago

again hollakost just stop, you are dealing with with a FUCKING rattle snake right now.

Cool! I actually just shot a rattlesnake yesterday so I can handle it.

but if you come at my bros again.... im going to after you

They are your bros! They use you. @zyklon_b uses everyone. That's what drug addicts do. Wake up! Or sleep it off, because it sounds like that was all very difficult for you to write.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Just walk away briskly if fattie dial comes after you

HollaKost ago

Thanks for the advice!

He sounds like the falling down type of drunk so it won't be too hard to get away.

zyklon_b ago

kill em alll

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

i must of been pretty wasted by that last one... I could barely read my own cheesespeak


zyklon_b ago

deaf to @hollakost marriag3

HollaKost ago

Eh, my marriage is good. 15 years and still happy as ever. You guys made it a week before your needy hoe wanted more attention than ki could give her. You must be so proud.


jkasdfhk7732 ago

you see I warned you about going after my bros, I seriously gave you an out.

but apparently you just want it stuck in your hole like the whore you are.... I tried to be nice with you, but apparently you dont want that. I always give warnings....

one more shot, let me give you some advice.... go on your chaturbate channel, and try to get tips. Because we all know you are an attention getting whore

im warning you shit head, dont FUCKING make me do this... Because I fucking will



HollaKost ago

you see I warned you about going after my bros, I seriously gave you an out.

Your bros are faggots and I'll do as I please.

but apparently you just want it stick in your hole like the whore you are....

Da fuck? What does that even mean? I ain't sticking shit anywhere pervert.

go on your chaturbate channel, and try to get tips.

I don't even know what that means, but I understand you're trying really hard to call me a whore, which doesn't bother me at all!

I tried to be nice to you, but you're taking my kindness for weakness. I will meme you to deaf if you come at me!

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I don't even know what that means

because im 12 steps ahead sweet...


i think, i can see shit you wouldnt understand, and in a flash would counter. it very difficult to count because im based on truth

the truth allows you to see, you seeing thru an eye.

Anger allows you reach this to which as a human can't do shit you o.... anger =love this something kat counld not understand, anger = love you have been lied to.

Anger is the strongest emotion you have, it what guides your to love... this is why kat and i will never work she doesn't fully that, she's too young.

but you're taking my kindness for weakness. I will meme you to deaf if you come at me!

lmao do it regardless, i think memes are retarded... would be fun

look, i was asked to come after you, might told me to carefuful.... i can tell tell you have heart... i against that.

but if you come after my bros i will com after you..... you dont please dont make make me

I tried to be nice to you, but you're taking my kindness for weakness

no, this is a lie... i dont think you understand who you are talking with.


now i have to find a chill song


InSaneGoatPosse ago

As I recall, she said she had a sex addiction and it didn’t hurt her marriage. Unless those screenshots were fake? Hmmm. Therefore, move your fat jealous ass over. Go worry about your own marriage and obsess over Srayzie.

-dial is mine

ksjdfkas878345 ago

fuck no, i aint no whore

Bottled_Tears ago

I blocked that nigger shit. Sub is cancer. Drama too.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge deletes posts and comments. But cries for transparency.

Virge when they were Srayzie actually were rather welcomed here.

Funny how she complains now.

virge ago

Ignore your enemy when they only act to make you defend yourself.

Question their motives when they make public claims of satire and how they only ever ban for 24 hours, yet are so afraid of one person they make an exception.

That's all.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey larp! Start that crowd funding to buy me out! I want your shekels!

KatHarzso ago

Relax yourself, mein alt. Or am I your alt...?

DavidGoldstein ago

Nein. We own you.

zyklon_b ago

@whiteronin look he wants be unbened

WhiteRonin ago

She is just pushing a narrative to later say, see I told you so.

@heygeorge Srayzie is crazy and this alt of hers is funny. Unban her so why can let her make a fool of themselves!

heygeorge ago

Who’s banned?

zyklon_b ago


kestrel9 ago

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge is paid to mod pizzagate?