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heygeorge ago

Clear vote manipulation happening in this thread, likely elsewhere if other comments exist.


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Prove it. I can prove you downvoat brigade all my accounts.

heygeorge ago

GnashingOfTheTeeth 1 points (+1|-0) 6 minutes ago (edited 2.9 minutes ago)
Prove it. I can prove you downvoat brigade all my accounts. Downvoat brigading SILENCES people. Its a form of censorship. You can't prove anything. Oh no internet upvoats on a tranny busters account!! Call in the fbi!

I’d like to see you prove that I downvoted brigade all your accounts. In fact, I’d like to see a shred of evidence. @expertshitposter @cynabuns

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I hope you see how pathetic you are. So concerned with other peoples fake internet points that you want to silence them just for having conversations you find troublesome. Youre a degenrate tranny. Youre all so pathetic.

snyxx ago

You're as wrong as wrong can be and this proves it!

heygeorge ago

GnashingOfTheTeeth 0 points (+0|-0) 3.1 minutes ago
I hope you see how pathetic you are. So concerned with other peoples fake internet points that you want to silence them just for having conversations you find troublesome. Youre a degenrate tranny. Youre all so pathetic.

I personally enjoy your particular brand of mental illness. I am not keen on vote manipulators.