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Joe_McCarthy ago

I haven't forgotten you. That thread is even still listed in a sticky thread at OE. I still need to make a few other responses. One in particular. Then you come in last...

Crensch ago

We all know it'll either never come, or you'll try to Jew your way out of answering directly. Keep up the facade, Schlomo.

Joe_McCarthy ago

That thread can park there forever. Don't mistake my lack of interest in responding to your mountain of nonsense promptly for an inability to respond. First, you threw a ridiculous amount at me for one post. Second, the quality of that stuff is laughably bad. I simply have other things to do than sit around for hours responding to a blizzard of bullshit. I'll probably be forced to respond in installments as it is.

Kinda lulzy though that you hurl dozens of pieces of info in one setting and then stand beating your chest that the other person hasn't responded. You did similar mockery hours after posting the stuff.

You have no idea how contemptuous I find all of this.

Crensch ago

That thread can park there forever. Don't mistake my lack of interest in responding to your mountain of nonsense promptly for an inability to respond.

It's not a mistake.

You have no idea how contemptuous I find all of this.

You have no idea how little that means, coming from someone like you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm respected on Voat by all but the kooks. That means you.

And even some of you respect me. Hard not to. I'm superior to you in intellect. Though that isn't saying a whole lot.

Crensch ago

I'm respected on Voat except for the kooks. That means you.

No, you're not. You just stuck around so long that people stopped giving a shit.

And even some of you respect me. Hard not to. I'm superior to you in intellect. Though that isn't saying a whole lot.

Kek, not a chance. You can't even respond to a single comment without acting like a fucking Jew about it.