KatHarzso ago

Our boy Zyklon sure stirring the shit up, alright - making people think and pick sides and go against each other. Probably not his intention, though, as I know all he wanted was to help awaken the GA, QRV, and TA subs from their cultist brainwashing. Don't judge hastily regarding the shit that goes on in the Banhammer subs entirely.

Kevdude used to have a stance that voat is a community and if you want to run your sub your way - privatize it. That has changed?

I'm middle ground with v/gaming. I don't think pictures really belong in a gaming sub - screenshots and shit of a game you're playing taken by you, yes. Artsy shitty pictures of sexualized child characters, or adult or etc... no, but whatever it's not like I'm much a gamer anymore to even care.

KatHarzso ago

Gotta elaborate on that one, though.

KatHarzso ago

I don't mind challenges. If I wasn't so lazy I'd rule the world by now.

KatHarzso ago

In both, but more importantly in SPLB and Cats.

My work of bringing peace between the BanHammer subs is my life's mission.