Is @Crensch recruiting a Qtard army? "some things I say or do may be questionable to your mind" (
submitted 5.1 years ago by VoatContainmentGuard
AndrewBlazeIt 5.1 years ago
The more I interact with that faggot, the more I hope someone rips his intestines out through his asshole
VoatContainmentGuard 5.1 years ago
He's become a miserable sonofabitch. His whole life revolves around this shit.
Imagine going completely fucking insane because some people were mean to your fake internet girlfriend
He probably needs to be observed by a professional. I've never seen a person go off the rails like he has. Its as if he lives in torment everyday. What kind of fucking spell did that jewess put on that boy?
Looks like he found this comment chain
OutragedForNoReason 5.1 years ago
It would maybe be able to conquer a Taco Bell. But I'm probably being too generous.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap 5.1 years ago
The best part about being a follower of the Q is you don't have to do anything. Terrible strategy to recruit them.
PuttitoutIsGone 5.1 years ago
I'm going to sign all my comments for now on.
clamhurt_legbeard 5.1 years ago
Just like dial. Hmm.
Crensch stopped liking me the same time I got tired of dial's idiocy and permabanned him.
I'm serious.
I still find the fact that you are not banned from GA very disturbing.
@Gabara @Rotteuxx @DanglingGoatBalls @Gothamgirl
Gothamgirl 5.1 years ago
Haha he is everything anti-Q jokes on them if they do.
Whatever. The gulags weren't that bad anyway.
Just reeducate the people he puts on the ban list.
Will these gulags have access ramps?
Wow, hard to say. They may revel in not providing such basic amenities to us nazis.
The ramps aren't for us, nigga ah ah ah
oh snaaaaaaaap
AndrewBlazeIt ago
The more I interact with that faggot, the more I hope someone rips his intestines out through his asshole
VoatContainmentGuard ago
He's become a miserable sonofabitch. His whole life revolves around this shit.
AndrewBlazeIt ago
Imagine going completely fucking insane because some people were mean to your fake internet girlfriend
VoatContainmentGuard ago
He probably needs to be observed by a professional. I've never seen a person go off the rails like he has. Its as if he lives in torment everyday. What kind of fucking spell did that jewess put on that boy?
AndrewBlazeIt ago
Looks like he found this comment chain
OutragedForNoReason ago
It would maybe be able to conquer a Taco Bell. But I'm probably being too generous.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
The best part about being a follower of the Q is you don't have to do anything. Terrible strategy to recruit them.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
I'm going to sign all my comments for now on.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Just like dial. Hmm.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Crensch stopped liking me the same time I got tired of dial's idiocy and permabanned him.
I'm serious.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
I still find the fact that you are not banned from GA very disturbing.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
VoatContainmentGuard ago
@Gabara @Rotteuxx @DanglingGoatBalls @Gothamgirl
Gothamgirl ago
Haha he is everything anti-Q jokes on them if they do.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Whatever. The gulags weren't that bad anyway.
Just reeducate the people he puts on the ban list.
VoatContainmentGuard ago
Will these gulags have access ramps?
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Wow, hard to say. They may revel in not providing such basic amenities to us nazis.
VoatContainmentGuard ago
The ramps aren't for us, nigga ah ah ah
clamhurt_legbeard ago
oh snaaaaaaaap