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Neskuaxa ago

Why was I pinged exactly?

grace8 ago

Lookslike their goal is to ping as many users as they can to try to get rid of Q.

Has the racism, off topic bullshit posts decreased on v/GA since Crensch came on Board? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are teh peple pinging us bad people who are hied by those who want to keep us weak? YES-for more info read Crensch's posts exposing these people. He is a whistle blower who has significantly damaged the Protect voat disruptors who co-ordinate with Reddit control the record crap.

v/ga is doing better than ever. Crensch kicked out all the disruptors. A man is judged by his actions and Crensch is acting right after a shady past. I support him.

If Crensch turns on us and the sub doesnt do well, then we will start a new sub.
Strayzie trusted him ot protect us and he is working hard to do just that.

So to the shills who pinged us--F off shills.

QTipping ago

You are part of crensch's down vote crew. Are you hoping they will mod you if you suck up to them enough?

grace8 ago

I do not want to be a mod and would turn it down if offered. I have been offered on past Q subs and turned it down twice already.