Fatsack ago

old news

NoBS ago

There are quite a few who believe investigating the Clinton Death Cult can harm ones loved ones before the suicide accident.. Folks who are movers and shakers in the Blackmail capitol of Earth, a raised eyebrow is all that's needed to formalize a contractual hit. Follow the bodies.

NoBS ago

Jason and George was live about 2 hours ago. More to come


After 2 and a half hours live, we need to give 'em a break with the disinformation smear campaign.

samhara ago

on now again with kimdotccom and others with familiarity with the DNC files of Seth Rich - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adaXYVyRLCE -

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The revealing coming next?

samhara ago

Time to start backing up the vids locally, for methodology and material.

Crowdsource the News : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ

George Webb.

The Periscope vids https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFdMoJolLWXPmQSBeojdwg

Crowdsource the Truth Conference Call With HA Goodman and George Webb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbXduULJmck

Second series of Periscope mirrors - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHGMieWb9qU&index=18&list=PLySuSI4bWCucZ8LuHWakTLDiiQdXsN2Hw -

Jason Goodman just deleted his most recent video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ

https://www.youtube.com/user/georgwebb George Webb S. channel.

Kcpedogate ago

Im not ready to say goodbye. We love you, no.matter who the heck you are. Thank you so much.

NoBS ago

The Podesta boys are working over time to discredit George.

Not doing a good job. All I can say is Seth Rich Thumb Drive.

Oh, and Fuck You John Podesta da Molesta.

Kcpedogate ago

Agreed, I have been following him for a long time and havent seen hardly any negativity,(i think they were trying to keep him loe profile) then when he began to grow all the sudden all of the comments are full are people claiming he is a shill and voat pizzagate has five posts about how terrible he is. We are onto their tricks.

jangles ago

This was sad

NoBS ago

About the Deep State disinformation campaine? It tells me George is a threat to our enemies.

That and the fucking thumb drive. Seth Rich is repeating one line over and over again...

Fuck. You. John. Podesta. What’s in your closet, John Podesta? Big Podesta? Big Soros? Do you want us to play these games? Because we’re playing to win.